on and off depression

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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on and off depression

Post by SweetTee » Wed Jun 18, 2014 5:20 pm

Hi all,
This is my first time posting. I have had this program for a couple of years and have not gotten very far through it. I am really good at putting things off. Making them seem not important. It's all because I feel "fine". I work a full time job and try to enjoy myself when I'm not there. I'm just a "chiller". Fact is, I am really not into my job and it has been about the same for about 8 years. That makes me really depressed when I think about it. I am in my late twenties and feel I still have many options to choose a different career. That can be overwhelming because I have no idea what would make me happy. I am scared to leave this job I have because of the great pay and benefits. I have been "chilling" for way too long. I feel I have not progressed much in a number of years. This makes me feel pathetic, then my depression, sadness and occasional panic sets in. That's when I just take a nap and try to get over it, because I have a good job and I am grateful. I need to take time to build myself up, get to know who I am and find my artistic expression. For work I want to be doing something more satisfying and feel more useful. It has been hard for me to find the motivation to make changes. I am so exhausted with the everyday norm. I want to feel strong, independent and productive. Without finding a more stable me, I will be bound to have problems finding a lasting relationship. I want love. That is a whole other problem. I hope I continue posting in the future. Getting these concerns off my chest has got to be a good thing.

randy c.
Posts: 187
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:27 pm

Re: on and off depression

Post by randy c. » Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:56 pm

Sweet Tee,If you like your job (i.e. pay & ben.) why not keep your job and seek satisfaction elsewhere. Just a thought. ;)

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