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Feeling so alone...want to make friends. Anyone?

Posted: Tue Dec 31, 2013 12:15 am
by Dragonfly11
I have been dealing with depression and anxiety my entire life, since I was an adolescent. It's crippled me in so many ways I can't even describe, but I'm sure people here can relate. I feel so alone and scared. Sometimes all I do is cry and cry. My dogs and cat are the only thing that keep me going some days. My family is so close, but both of my parents are fighting cancer right now and it terrifies me. If I lost them, I'd lose my best friends. My brothers are in other states and aren't able to help me or really support me emotionally. I have lots of acquaintances but no friends...I'm that girl who giggles and smiles and is the life of the party, and then goes home alone and cries. I find what's wrong in everything. I find myself avoiding my boyfriend because I just focus on what is wrong with him and our relationship and not even considering the good things, which I know are so many.

My meds have been helping, I take Cymbalta 60mg, but lately it seems to be fading in power. Anxiety attacks are back sometimes, and so are the random tears.

I just want to make some friends who understand. I know maybe people here have gone through the same thing too...

Love to all.

Re: Feeling so alone...want to make friends. Anyone?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 9:15 am
by lcoleman
you are not alone, i feel the same way. My mum passed away three years ago and i have never been the same. I'm not close with family or friends. I feel alone on an island.

Re: Feeling so alone...want to make friends. Anyone?

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2014 5:52 pm
by LyndaLu
Hello Dragonfly:

I don't know if you live in a big city or a small town, but my city has a great resource here. There is a women's resource center here and it has been a great help to me. The women's center is for women only and it a safe place for women to be empowered. There are classes and workshops available for free or for a small fee. There are workshops related to job seeking, resume building, job interviewing techniques, computers, how to dress for a job interviews, etc. There are also classes that concentrate on personal development and self-esteem. And better yet, there are support groups open for women to exchange thoughts and feelings and ideas, learning to communicate better with others. Through all this women can make connections and friendships with each other and their community. It is all positive. This women's resource center has changed my life. It gives me insight and confidence. It is nice to know that I am not the only woman out there that has issues and problems that they need help with. At this center I can learn the life skills that I will be using every day in order to build myself up to the person that I know I can be. Medications are only a small part of my recovery. I found out that socialization, structure, and the support of my peers has really been the key for me to get a jump start on my new life.