Seasonal Affective Disorder

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Post by keepsmilin » Sun Jun 03, 2012 7:20 pm

To everyone:

Interesting...we have someone in Arizona depressed even though she gets plenty of HOT sunshine...others are bummed because of allergies(me!!), and others because of the winter months. In every season comes something that could/might affect us. We must try find a balance I guess, and definitely keep our heads up. I have EXTREMELY bad injections and this and that to help my immune system build, and the list goes on....HOWEVER, I found Nasonex which is the ONLY thing that helps. The injections almost killed me (literally...I needed an epi pen) and all that Claritine and junk doesn't do anything for me. I am ALSO taking homeopathic stuff, too, so eventually I hope to not have to use Nasonex. The homeopathic stuff is called Master Herbalist for all allergies (Bell product). I suffered for years and eventually had to just lie down at the rough points, and stay away from outdoors (I live for running, soccer, hikes..) so that didn't work for me. Anyways, feel free to pass on those meds I mentioned and then whoever is suffering can research and talk to their doctor, etc.

My point is, we all suffer from something and there are pros and cons to everything. If you think moving will help, do so. I did. I moved from Vancouver to Salmon Arm and am sooo happy. I love the seasons. The rain Vancouver had was horrible for me. When it rains here in Salmon Arm, I walk and run in it! It showers...and then goes away...whereas in stays for muuuuch longer and it's so dark. Some people DID NOT understand how Van's rain affected me and I didn't DID affect me..IT WAS REAL..IT AFFECTED ME...and they would say "It'll rain wherever you go.." Well, I could have said THAT! HAHA...

I know it'll rain and shine regardless of where you live, but I knew Van was taking it's toll on me and I needed out. So I listened to myself ;) I also must add that I left for other reasons too...being a small town girl..I can't be in a city for too long I guess! ;) Maybe next time I move to a city ( IF I do), I'll have to go visit home more often. Or maybe I won't smother myself in work...I was dancing, modeling and singing and working my butt off. I came/moved home, and then I crashed for a year (got Mono) and now I am finally picking myself back up. Talk about needing BALANCE! HAHA..

I think just finding a balance of in and out doors and activities and holidays and visits and vacations. On rainy days, watch movies or stay super busy. Sunny days, get out and do something or lie down and tan...whatever it is you FEEL LIKE DOING that'll make you FEEL GOOD. I know the feeling..."Oh it's so nice out I can't waste the day!" So decide what it is you want to do the most at that point and then do it. Trust. And keep your head up. Come on here and talk about it even :) It's all good :) :)

Hope that kinda helps!


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Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Post by LyndaLu » Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:01 pm

dear keepsmilin:

Thanks for sharing !

PS: It was 111 degrees today !

Lynda :D

Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Post by keepsmilin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:20 pm

I wanna go to Arizona!!! Just for a little while even! ;)

Posts: 101
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:37 pm

Re: Seasonal Affective Disorder

Post by keepsmilin » Sat Jun 16, 2012 6:22 pm

And you're welcome! THANK YOU!

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