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weepy all day

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:16 pm
by missybarnett
Back in May my husband passed away, I was sleeping and went to hug up on him and well it was terrible, I have been diagnosed with post tramic stress and sever depression. The way I found him and everything was bad. I had to go though the funeral and the day I buryed him I had to leave, see we were staying with his mom and well she blames me, I guess. She has not contacted me at all and when I called her I was told not to come around. I was suposed to go get some more of our things but I found out she had a yard sale a week after the funeral and sold everything..even his shoes.. I was staying at my daughters house but there moving to florida and have to stay with family to start out with , so Im staying with a friend .All this crazyness.. I wish at times I would have not woke up too. See Johnny and I had just got back from one of the best road trips, He said it was our well deserved honey moon. we were back just one nite and the next day it was over. He was gone. I love him so much. I miss him so bad. I want him back. Its like I'm in a nitemare. I have had nitemares about turning on the lights to find out what was going on and well..seeing him like that.. it was bad. My daughter said when they get settled florida would be nice to move to and all the sunshine will take my blues away, but its going to be a while for me to get there I lost my car and I,m on unemployment and its hard to go out looking for a job I need trasnportation I live in a small town.. its peaceful but its a small town and ya need a car to get around. I miss my Johnny so bad, I didnt realize how much anxiety this was going to cause me but this program is all I have now..besides the friend I have who is helping me out too. He helped me get this program he's been alright. Everyone needs a good friend like him. I guess Im blessed in a way to have the people I do have now in my life. I am just grieving and sometimes find it so hard to have anything to look forward to with out him(Johnny). I wonder why I didnt here anything that night, I,m feeling like if I just could of hear something..

Re: weepy all day

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:45 pm
by Nel01073
First of all I am really sorry for what happened with your husband and what is happening to you . I think you should give yourself time to get over this terrible situation and allow yourself to feel depression. But I think youll get over this if you do the program and give yourself time to heal. Also if you believe in God turn to Him. Ive had a couple of family members pass away not so long ago and its been difficult but with Gods help things got better. Forget about your mother in law shes probably blaming you for her pain. Hold on to those good memories and focus on that and dont give up.

Re: weepy all day

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2011 2:05 am
by ladybug_101
iam so sorry for your loss!! this is an awsome program take one day at a time things will get better.

Re: weepy all day

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:03 pm
I am so sorry to hear what has happened. My sister lost her husband in June and I have a fear of losing mine. I suggest that you see if you can find a grief support group in your area and just keep God in your heart.

Re: weepy all day

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:42 pm
by Kona
Im so sorry to hear of your loss. My heart and prayers go out to you. I hope you can find time to grieve and find peace within yourself. Im fearful to even hear what happened to you. Keep pressing on.... and peace be to you......

Re: weepy all day

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 5:08 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi, I'm so sorry for you loss as well. I'm just going to be blunt here, but did your husband die from suicide or a sudden heart attack.

I ask this as my son committed suicide so I know what that can do to a person. Otherwise, I'm not understanding why this Mother in Law has taken over your husband's funeral and household items as well as clothing. I hope things will get better for you. I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. paisleegreen