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All-day-long anxiety

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:33 pm
by lindatenney
Now that I am learning more about anxiety I realize that I have had it for my whole life. I am now in my 60's and am still fighting it. The hardest thing for me when the anxiety gets bad is to be alone in my house. I don't understand it because I have always loved being alone in my house and doing things I liked. So the anxiety makes no sense to me. Is there anyone else out there who has this problem. I read one post that talked about morning fear. I think this is sort of the same thing I experience. The anxiety gets so bad that I feel like I am going to loose my mind and then I start to cry uncontrollably. I have been on every medication there is and nothing seems to help that much. Would appreciate knowing if anyone else has this type of problem and what they are doing to help it. I am on lesson four of the Lucinda Bassett program.

Re: All-day-long anxiety

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:44 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi Linda...Yes, I've been sort of fearful of being at my home alone, but more when I recently traveled somewhere that I've been there before with my family and this time I was there by myself in a different town. It was hard...but I rode my bike and walked around the area and met some people. It was more a resort town where people are there to have fun. But I do know the feeling as I feel alone even when my son and husband are home as they aren't really talking to me. :| Paislee :mrgreen:

Re: All-day-long anxiety

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:12 pm
by pepsilover
Yes Yes Yes!!!!!!!!!!
I just posted a long page stating that at step 5 I am stopping for a while. Because my anxiety worsened and they warned us it might. It wore me out, trying to do all of it. So it's ok to take a break. Heare's what I did. Went to church and prayed with the pastor to remove my anxiety, I wear a cross, when I wake up I pray out loud, thank you for this new day, please god give me peace, happiness, calmness safety, and comfort in my home. I want all this..And I use mindfulness, one minute at a time. Get up slowly, enjoy a slow beverage and a small snack to relaxing music, focus on exactly what you are doing. I sometimes leave my house and go elsewhere to be comfortable and that's ok too. And now I focus on the things that make me happy, a show, sew, clean, etc.... I had my doctor increase my medication, but no more pressure. This is how I am begining to feel about this anxiety eppisode. Which has been 6 months for me. It came for a reason, and it will pass with rest and time and maybe medication, I don't know your situation. But keep writting.
best wishes,

Re: All-day-long anxiety

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 3:44 pm
Hi, my name is Karen and I absolutely have the same problem. Mine started about 3 years ago when I decided to quit working and stay home. I have never had a problem being in my house alone before. Shoot, I was a stay home mom for 7 years and was home alone all day while my daughter was at school and my husband at work with no problems. About two months after quitting work and being home alone all day, I started having anxiety attacks. They would start when my husband left for work and stop when he got home. This is still going on, although there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for mine - I have gone as long as a month and not had one, then have one every day for two weeks and the next week not have one at all. At one point they were so bad, that I didn't even want to live anymore. One day I was flipping the channels on my TV, came across Pat Robertson with the 700 Club and he was asking people to give their life to Christ. I knew it was meant for me to find that channel so I got down on my knees, confessed my sins, and asked Christ to save me. I felt good the rest of the day. I have been going to church almost every Sunday since then and am involved in several Bible study classes. This has not stopped my anxiety attacks and they are just as bad as they were in the beginning because I have developed a fear of something happening to my husband and being alone the rest of my life, but knowing Christ is there with me has helped some. I started Session 2 today and can only pray that it will help me and others like me. Only time will tell, but you just gotta have faith and I keep telling myself it will be ok soon.

Re: All-day-long anxiety

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:08 pm
by qutycute
i have had depression, now that i look, its been most of my life, but really bad the past 2-3 yrs... i have been tryin 2 get out of my house n do stuff n not let it control me... its really hard though!!!! i would love 2 start a chat... its really hard 2 find some1 in the chatroom... so feel free 2 im me or email me... at hope we can all be helpful 2 each other!!!! :D dont feel shy either!!! we all need help!!!