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Depressed College Student

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:02 pm
by LoverNotAFighter
Hi I am 24 years old and I am utilizing this program to help me through life-changes. I am the youngest out of 8 kids and I struggle with low self-esteem. I am constantly reminded by family members to grow up, but I am in my last year of college and feel powerless financially and feel no real support from my family to leave the nest. I feel that I am ordered around and there is no real relationship between us, so I do not want to help with anything. I fear being taken advantage of. Most of my siblings are over 30 and 40 years old and still take money from my parents and leave me with nothing.

I want independence and I am doing my best to finish my degree this year, but the independence doesn't seem to come soon enough. If they treat me like a child, how do they expect me to grow up. This has left me very depressed and stuck. I am not hopeless, but I have been close to the end many times. This may sound silly, but I just want to be loved and nurtured and I know that if my "love tank" is full, I can do anything. I have a wonderful boyfriend who is fishing in Alaska. I haven't seen him all summer and I will be backpacking with him in a week. He is the only one who gives me love and support. I just don't want to depend on him too much either, because I want to be able to give love to him and not take so much. I am just so down, confused, and it's affecting my life. I would appreciate any responses. Thank you! -Rachel

Re: Depressed College Student

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 8:37 pm
by Paisleegreen
Parents are just older children sometimes, they have never parented before and each child is different. Just keep up the good work and get your college degree, you will feel better and so will your parents. They are probably anxious themselves and it comes across as them uncaring or bossing you around. They probably don't like their older children taking money from them, but they want to please them. Your siblings need your parents to say, "No" to them, but it is a hard thing to do. Have a nice trip! Paislee