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Depressed, can't get much out of Session 4

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:33 pm
by ItsOkayThisIsGood
I'm having a really hard time following this program.
I always seem to get stuck at Session 3. I did that for two weeks, and started to see some improvement.
But I'm on Session 4 and feel it's not doing much for me. Maybe I just have to keep up with the negative/positive statement notebook on a daily basis? I guess it requires that much work to get better. Because I am back in my "avoidance" behavior full on, hardly leave my apartment, and feel so depressed that I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

Why does it feel like the people who succeed on this program have something I don't? How many just can't keep it going? I feel like there's no hope for me.

Re: Depressed, can't get much out of Session 4

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 3:52 pm
by SoWhatif
There is allways HOPE. We must not set the bar to high to get over, it takes time and maybe I will say less concentration. Would you be so kind as to share what it is your stuck on. Do not be so hard on yourself, I know easier said than done.

What has you stuck or frozen keeping you from moving forward?
Try just writing the positives and forget the negatives of learned behaviour we have learned to know.

Re: Depressed, can't get much out of Session 4

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:38 pm
by lindatenney
I too am feeling pretty hopeless. I did session one and two as they suggested (listening to them four times each). Lesson three didn't really apply to me since I don't drink, drink coffee or smoke. I have listened to session four once. I too wonder if those who are succeeding have something that I don't. There just has to be some hope. Let's not give up.

Re: Depressed, can't get much out of Session 4

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:28 pm
by PB2704
I had a lot of trouble with sesion 3 and with negative thinking. I am going to try to work on 4 because I need to move on. Just trying to type something in here is a huge jump for me. I am computer illiterate and keep posting things where I should not, but just know I meant to try and say, "hey me, too -- I'm depressed and can't get much out of Session 4 either"... and now I am not going to get off on how frustrating it is for me to try to take part on here and say something when I keep messing up... I feel like such an idiot.

I hope this goes to someone that would like to NOT feel alone about being depressed and can't get much out of Session 4.

Re: Depressed, can't get much out of Session 4

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:38 pm
by DM613
I'm depressed and can not get much of either Session 4 "... and now I will not come on how frustrating it is for me to try to participate in it and say something when I mess up ... I keep feel like an idiot.
Tera ItemsEden Gold