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Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 6:35 am
by struggling Christian
I want to sleep all the time. I've been suffering with depression since my teenage years and I'm now 34. My house is a mess and I find even the simplest tasks to be overwhelming. I'm so embarrassed about my house but I have no will to clean it up. I feel horrible about my self. I just lay around feeling anxious and depressed all of the time and I feel so isolated, like nobody understands. I wish I could feel normal and accomplish simple tasks.

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2010 8:53 am
by Kathie C.
Dear Struggling Christian,

Been there, done that; and I know JUST how you feel. But it's a winnable battle, believe me. I'm 30 years older than you, but 34 seems like yesterday. All depression comes from our thoughts, mostly the ones about ourselves or about how we are letting others affect us, but the bottom line is LOW SELF-ESTEEM. The Lord wants more than anything, for you to be compassionate and loving toward yourself (Listen to and read the workbook for Lesson Three--I'm back on it for the third time, and it REALLY gives us a lot to think about and do to change our thinking habits and patterns). In an article from CFIDS and Fibromyalgia Self-Help, it says, "What we think, especially our thoughts about ouselves, can intensify the stress we experience from other sources...Being in a situation in which you seem to lack control can create a strong sense of helplessness...The thought 'I'll never get any better' tends to lead to frustration, depression and despair." And let me add that the commandment, "Love thy neighbor as thyself" means you cannot love or help others (which is what gets us out of our self-pity best) unless and until you learn to love yourself. PLEASE read your scriptures and listen to the program CDs over and over until you can't stand to hear each one any more, then read the workbooks and pray and practice, practice, practice. So many of us have been where you are and we UNDERSTAND AND SUPPORT you, so do what is good for YOU--get out of bed and clean ONE thing until it shines, or call a friend who may be down or who may help lift you up. You'll start to feel better, I promise. But we are all out here for you, so continue to come back to this message board. Are you on any medication for depression or other conditions (some medications have opposite the desired effects)? I gave up on RXs for depression years ago. I take an OTC called SAMe, 800mg per day. Couldn't survive without it or without 5htp, which makes sure I sleep at night. Hope at least some of this helps.
Kathie (

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 8:50 am
by Brent K.
I have been where you are too, I am 29 and at one point when I was 17 I did not leave the house for over 6months, even stepping outside was too much for me to handle. This condition does get better as long as you put in the effort, give yourself credit for even the smallest things you do! Get out of bed and force yourself to do something, anything that gets your mind off of the negative, I know it can seem impossible, but we are much stronger than we give ourselves credit for. This program will give you hope and the tools to get well if you give it a chance and put in the effort!

I think you should want to feel abnormal because feeling anxious and depressed is your normal :)

Get up, your life is waiting for you :D

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:21 am
by struggling Christian
Thanks to both of you for the advice. I am going to start listening to my tapes again. I know I have got to start changing my negative thoughts and replacing them with positive ones. I am going to try and make a list of things that needs to be done around the house and start doing them one at a time even if I only do one thing a day at least its a start.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 10:22 am
by struggling Christian
Oh, I forgot, to Kathie C., yes I am on medications. I take cymbalta, geodon, and lamictal. I am about ready to give up on the meds though.

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:13 pm
by Michael
Hey Struggling Christian,

When you believe you'll never get well, then you feel as though you'll never get well. I have been through that season as well. But you can do this. I highly reccommend Joel Osteen; It's Your Time as a supplemental read as well. Be patient with yourslef and make this program a priority. You can do it. God Bless

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2010 7:51 pm
by galewinters11
I know that if there's anyone that's impeding your recovery, it's you. I'm not blaming your for anything, but I believe that if you want to get well, you can do it. It's all about willpower and faith in Him. Good luck! I know you can do it! what is the best way to lose weight quickly

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:32 am
by Paisleegreen
Hi Struggling Christian--Wow, so you are taking Cymbalta, and two other drugs. I have been on Cymbalta and it was very helpful. I took it with Wellbutrin, but this was after I had lost my son to suicide. I went off of Cymbalta 2 years ago right after Christmas was over and the new year was beginning.

I can only surmise that part of it was due to the lack of sunshine and I wanted to lose weight that I gained after being on Cymbalta.

I was experiencing other things in life also at this time. Anyway, I would suggest going on an anti-depressant, but you are already on one. So maybe try another anti-depressant such as Wellbutrin. Because going cold turkey at the stage you are in, might be stressful.

So since you have this program and you believe in Christ, read at least one scripture to begin and listen to the CDs. I listen to them as much as I can, I'm always gleaning something new from them.

You do have us...and I am doing much better then when I first started and this is 5 days before Christmas. I'm doing better than last you will get better and the days are going to get longer after the 22nd. Yippee!

I have my cluttered areas of my house I need to work on and right now my brain is not functioning enough to work on all that bothers me. But I can just do the bare minimum, and that makes me feel better. :)

I'm cooking again, and I really haven't done much of that since my son died. But I'm cooking very healthy foods. I eat tuna on whole grain toast, chicken w/o skin with potatoes, carrots, celery, onions stew, from scratch. And homemade chili w/ extra lean ground beef, fat rinsed off and I add different beans and garbonzo beans as well as canned cut tomatoes to the mix. Along with fresh onions and no salt. I add my own chili powder from those rectangle tin cans.

Anyway, this is to build my "brain matter" and muscles. This stew or chili sits on my stove during the day on very low heat and gradually they just get better and better and keeps my weight down and gives me nourishment and no added salt or sugar to add to the anxiety I'm working on. I add a little bit of salt and pepper to taste when I serve it into a bowl.

So this gives me a feeling of accomplishment. :)

Also, my Christmas tree is a fake one with colored twinkle lights on it. I don't have ornaments on it, no fake pine garland on my fireplace mantle or entry way, I don't have any lights on the outside of my house or trees.

Just things are all minimal. It has been a bit hard getting use to it. But I can't do it all and I don't want to bother my youngest college student son or husband to get the decor down for me.

Because I know that I really need to just focus on overcoming my anxiety and do my volunteer work and just enjoy my family as they are and my little grandchildren. :)

Listen to Lucinda talk about expectations, that CD will really help. :) Take good care of your self. I'll be around...:) Paislee

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 9:08 am
by struggling Christian
Thanks for your post Paislee. I have areas of clutter that need to be worked on but I am doing the bare minimum around the house these days too. Even doing that is an accomplishment. I have battled with my weight since going on antidepressants too. I am scared to go off the meds cold turkey though. Thanks for your advice.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:07 am
by Paisleegreen
I wouldn't go off of them cold turkey. I was taking Wellbutrin with Cymbalta when I went off of Cymbalta, but I switched to Serzone, which I had been on before. I experienced dizziness, and other things when I went back on the Serzone so I I quit that right away after I fell a few times.

Then stayed on Wellbutrin and was introduced to Xanax. Then weaned off of both last year working with a Psychologist. I'm on a 17 mg of Remeron and take Temazepam to sleep. I was on a higher dosage of Remeron, but don't care for it.

Anyway, it takes some time and knowing who you are and what the stresses are in your life right now. Paislee