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Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 4:58 pm
by MsPurple
I recently heard from the doctor that I have high cholesterol. I'm sure it's only because of my recent incredibly poor choices in diet, but that means I have to be on a low fat diet for the next 6 weeks. I'm already diabetic, which means I can't have 1/2 of the foods I see. Now I can't have fattening foods which is 3/4 of what's left! I don't know if this diet change will have to be permanent, but I'm really depressed! Every time I have to choose what I'm gonna eat I feel depressed all over again. I feel really left out and sad every time I see people eating everything I can't have. It took me a long time to get used to not getting to have anything with sugar, but now I can't have anything I really like.

One of my anxiety/OCD symptoms is feeling the compulsive need to punish myself for any wrong doing, big or small. So now I feel like I'm being punished. Not sure what I did though. Could be anything I perceive as wrong-doing, like when I messed up big at an important job and got fired, or when I think I'm a bad girlfriend for unloading my feelings and problems on my fiancé. He says he wants me to talk to him and be honest but I'm constantly afraid I'm taking advantage of that. I'm always asking if he's mad at me.

This whole depression over health issues has shaken me! The day before I got that news I was actually considering weaning off my medication. But then I nearly had a panic attack when I heard. I'm always thinking I'm not good enough, not trying hard enough, pretty much a failure overall.

I've never been good enough.even when I was growing up. My mom was mad almost every day and she always told me it was my fault.

I guess I really just need to believe ... I don't know. Just believe. :(

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:12 pm
by vikela
It’s a matter of serious concern that number of persons suffering from Mental Depression is escalating in geometric progression throughout the world. World Health Organization (WHO) has also expressed apprehension over the issue in its recent report. Though apparently innocent, but depression gives birth to many physical and other mental aliments. This not only affects personal and family life of the patient but also poses threat to a country and nation as a whole. Let’s have a peep into the reasons of stress and the available remedies which may help to combat the problem.

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 10:12 pm
by hern
Clinical depression is more than just the "blues," being "down in the dumps," or experiencing temporary feelings of sadness we all have from time to time in our lives. It is a serious condition that affects a person's mind and body. It impacts all aspects of everyday life including eating, sleeping, working, relationships, and how a person thinks about himself/herself. People who are clinically depressed cannot simply will themselves to feel better or just "snap out of it." If they do not receive appropriate treatment their symptoms can continue for weeks, months, or years.
plastic surgery before and after

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:38 am
I hope I'm in the right place to chat about depression and the Combatting Stress and Depression Program program.... I began the program a bit over 2 weeks ago. I've had my ups and downs, highs and lows. I am determined to finish it - I've had this low grade depression for as long as I can remember and I'm ready to be rid of it! Dysthymia is the category I believe that I am in. I just read that some of these people feel like this feeling of no interest or pleasure has been with them since early in life. In fact, they may not remember when they were truly happy. This is me. I've always thought it was normal to feel this way. The only other problem that I believe I have is much trouble socializing. I remember my mom and dad talking at the breakfast table and I would listen from the other room and wish that it was that easy to chat with someone - to know what to say, how to respond. I'm fine when there are at least 2 people and me having a conversation, but when it is just me and another person - yikes - very uncomfortable.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:58 am
I have also had very low self-esteem forever. People think I'm so sweet and kind - they do not realize that underneath that everpresent smile on my face lies much anxiousness, uncomfortableness, fear of others. I don't know where this came from. My parents were just everyday, ordinary people. Mom was not affirming, but we were not beaten nor abused in any way. I'd really like to talk with others here - since I don't talk to anyone about this problem, even my husband. He is a very good man, but we've never really had a good conversationalist relationship because I've never been able to converse. I don't feel really close to him - isn't that strange - but he's always there and I'm always here. We don't do anything together, never had. When the kids were little, they came first. He worked hard at a factory and I stayed home with the little ones, doing income taxes out of my home during the tax season. I was on the PTA board, school building committee,room mother every single year for 20 years, treasurer of our small town's city clerk's office (I could do that at home - it only took several days out of a month), did everything at church - parish council, teacher, religious ed director, women's group officer - lalalalalala. I could no longer take my church telling me that "I am not worthy." Bugged the heck out of me, I stopped going to church about a year before we left. Friends, people did not understand. I tried to explain it to my close friends, but they could not understand... Then, we left it all behind because I just had to get out of there - moved to a different state, closer to my husband's family - he deserved that finally... I had 3 very good friends back home who were mothers and wives like me. At the end, I unwittingly, subtly pushed them aside - no hard feelings, just distancing myself. Then, I just had to get out of there - people were shocked, we moved, the raising of the family was done... I work full time here, am good at my job, but keep an arm's length away from co-workers and have met very few people otherwise - no friends, no relationships... No interests, no pleasure - that's me - and just now, today, that realization is unsettling....

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:29 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi, I think BABL you might be like my DH. He is a good worker but very quiet. Although, he definitely would not be doing all the social type work you have done, he definitely takes care of the family through work, but does get taken advantage of due to his trusting and kind nature.

I think we could be in the same boat due to us not having our children being part of our lives as much. Mine are grown, sort of, one still lives at home but goes to college and would like to be the Boss of the house. LOL

But I realized after going to a water park for part of the summer and using one of their restrooms I actually saw myself as what other people see, not what I think I look like or see. I really do look like someone's grandma. LOL I am one, but I'm young at heart and pretty healthy. But there are those tell tale signs of being over 50 that I just do not see. I just barely started noticing them after my first panic attack.

Many things have changed, the world as I knew it has changed. My kids don't really need me, my dog who was my best buddy, I had to put to sleep due to being injured and septic.

My family not going along with my plans for my future. This was a shock! Then I realized, maybe I really can't do what I wanted to do at my age at this time in my life. Very Scary feeling, but I've been working on overcoming the feelings and make changes that really will make a difference so that I am prepared if that unexpected illness comes and I'm not prepared. I think maybe my Panic Attack was a Wake Up call to focus on what really matters.

So here I am...more awake than I wanted. I adjusted to my son's suicide, my parents and relatives passing shortly after his, my other children growing up before my eyes, my dog gone, my husband aging, our business and employees changing, my body aching more than usual. Yep, life doesn't stand still when we want it too, so that we can catch up. So sometimes we are forced to catch up and change the way we do things or accept the way things are.
I'm constantly learning new things, but not always happy about it, just learning to find peace with it.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:02 am
by hern
Hi everyone, Thanks for sharing your opinions and suggestion on depression.
