
Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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joy jenkins
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:27 pm

Post by joy jenkins » Thu Aug 21, 2008 10:27 am

Hi everyone, Often in the afternoons around 3/4 p.m. I start to feel drowsy and am very tempted to take a nap. However, whenever I go back to bed during the day, it never works for me. I feel worse. So today, it was soooo tempting, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed today with things I need to do, etc. Am trying to find my birth certificate and I know it's in a safe place but have no idea where that is! So frustrating because it's important to find it, so now have papers all over the floor after emptying out a cupboard! Anyway, instead of going to bed I decided to write this post to distract myself and it seems to be working, thanks! Also, desperately need to have a shower and it's such an effort, I know I'll feel better when I do it but for some reason so difficult to do these days. Don't know whether it's fatigue or what. It's comical really, because not so long ago you couldn't keep me out of the bath/shower and now it has become a huge effort. Anyone else with this problem? Anyway, I am definitely feeling much better generally, but just this afternoon has been a bit difficult. I am now 69 years old so worry about not showering, etc. I don't want to become a dirty old lady!. I have always been so fussy and vain all my life and now things just seem to be too much effort. Wish me luck, I HAVE to get in that shower this evening! Thanks again for giving me a way to distract myself!


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 11:17 am

Hi I am new to this and there is much I don't understand about posting etc. But Joy Jenkins I can really relate to you. I get so tired in the afternoon, but if I try to take a nap, I just doze off and wake up with an adreniline kick in my gut and feel worse.My enery is so low and I hate being by myself. I to hate to shower and that is not like me.I have to force myself.
I have worked the program , but not as seriously as I should , because I have a problem with Journaling. I worry about my family, have a g-daughter who had so much potential , but made some very bad choices and now has a baby and a boy freind .He is trying to keep the family together, but with construction jobs not abounding they did ask me to bail them out. .Her dad[my son] says it's not your worry I told her she could come home and live with me, but I don't have room for the boy friend.He ia divorced and Mom lives out of state.

Sorry for ramblingI do enjoy reading the posts I wish I were in a position to help, but it seems like I'm the one who needs it. this all happened after I lost my husband of 56+ yrs. thats over three yrs ago. Hope I haven't said this before, but my mind has many senior moments can't think of anything profound to end this God Bless all


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:22 pm

Years ago I had trouble getting into the shower....it was not that I didn't like to shower I was afraid to have a panic attack in their. I decorated my bathroom really pretty...put a nice scented candle in their and pretty towels and bought myself nice shampoo and body soap.....I look forward to waking and taking my shower everyday.....I also bought a pretty pair of sweats and top in case I do feel uncomfortable I can put that on and be dressed nice for the day...hope this helps....be good to yourselves....you are soooo worth it.

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