
Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Post by Unknown2 » Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:26 pm

I am alone in dealing with my A/D. My family considers me the weak one and they don't understanding or even care about mental illness. I was diagnosed with Depression. I just can't seem to keep my involvement in social settings straight (if that makes sense). What I mean is I always seem to mess things up or things just turn sour. I try my best to do my best, but I always seem to mess things up and cause people to dislike me. There is no program or anyone to tell you how to just BE. I can't handle rejection. Things just go bad, and I can't seem to turn it around.

I have made a mess of my work situation. I hate to even show my face there; I feel so yucky inside when I am there. I was great for about a year then I started to pull back because the more I stepped up the less my coworkers did. So I pulled back and since then I have been treated like the red-head step child. My confidence level has plummeted and feel like a nerveous wreck when I am there. I am supposed to be helping other people, but I feel like a fraud.


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:02 pm

One thing I do know is that you are not alone dealing with your A/D. I think we all have a family right here that understands how we feel & how we think. Maybe you are just trying to hard to make everyone else happy & the one you need to make happy is yourself first. I know the harder I try to make others happy I go the other way. Now I try to make myself happy first then work on other people. Same goes for work trying to hard to satisfy them makes it worse for you. Think of yourself first then when you’re happy it will rub off on the others. It all takes time.
You’re never alone.


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:07 pm

Thanks triple"L" I needed to hear that!


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 3:45 pm

Hi, I just want to say I do totally understand what you are saying and triple "L" what a good response, you have helped me too. I am going to try harder to do what you suggest - make yourself happy first. Thanks.


Post by Guest » Sun Oct 05, 2008 5:02 pm


There's a discussion under the book club section about a book called The Four Agreements. I would like to suggest it to you as an aide to your situation. If your not a reader, they do have it on audio. Once you realize that all your can do is your best in any given situation or moment, you need to let the rest of yesterday, your past and all of those old stories that you keep telling yourself go. Depression always stems from our internal thinking and if were thinking badly, blaming ourselves, we tend to get down, not just on ourselves but in our chemical make up as well which of course leads to depression. One of the key reasons I recommend this book is that it breaks down the process of realizing that "it isn't about you". When your able to understand that everybody has their own story their telling themselves, you realize that YOU do not have to accept the responsibility of all the relationships in your life that are full of strife. You are hardly weak, nor or you mentally ill. I hate that definition of anxiety. I have heard it many times on my trips to the medical professionals I have dealt with through out my battle with A&D. You are simply evolving and growing. It takes ups and downs to get there. Hang in there. You just need a shift in perspective. :)


Post by Guest » Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:22 am

Thanks sweet Tullip! I needed that. I'll try to remember that it is not about me. Thank you!


Post by Guest » Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:18 am

i know how you feel, i feel the same when it comes to being around my family. Triple L is right you are not alone. This is where i turn because people trully understand me here.

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