
Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
Holly J
Posts: 367
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:22 pm

Post by Holly J » Thu Aug 28, 2008 11:26 am

I have a question. If negative thoughts are what consist of of ones depression, how can anti-depressants help? I find this so confusing. I feel like dr's think depression is purely chemical so they prescribe you anti-depressants. So does ones negative thinking which leads to depression affect the chemicals in their brain? Or is it not chemical all the time? I know mine isn't really situational. I think mine is the way i interpret my feelings. I scare the crap out of myself and i tend to always think I am hopeless! I can never be helped. I am a lost cause. What if i get so depressed I kill myself?. . . and i know my negative thoughts make it worse. i am in some sort of cycle because I wonder if this chemical(which makes me feel i cant control it)? Or is this my thinking? And i know chemical can affect your thinking but does it work the other way???
"Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)"


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:49 pm

holly...your not going to kill yourself...the simple fact that you fear it is proof that your mind is sane. My therapist once told me that....

I dont believe that depression is all chemical...because in my situation its not. I just get so sad/mad because of the limitations that anxeity puts in my life and that makes me feel bad and then I worry and the thoughts start coming.

The program has really shown me that one Im not alone that others have these same issues and feelings and we cant all be going crazy. And two I know that there are clear reasons that I get upset, stress and situations come and I dont handle them well.....that causes me to over react and get anxious. So with the skills of the program I can work through these feelings.

Time does help to heal your learn that over the months or years you have had these thoughts and NOTHING ever happens from them except they make you scared. That will eventually build your confidence in not being so affected by them.

I had the same things you speak of....I remember the thing that sent me to the therapist in the first place. I was standing at my counter peeling potatoes with the knife and BAM a crazy thought of what if I do something stupid with this knife came to my head. I immediately stopped told my husband to drive me to my moms and called a doctor...talked to her emergency line while I was on the toilet (I was so scared I was sick to my stomach) and she made an appointment for the next day....I thought I was headed for the insane ward in the straight jacket and all.

She was wonderfull I came in there a terrified girl.....although we didnt change Rome in a day I felt better when I left. I stayed with her for several years. and with her and the program I learned to be better.

You will too.
Keep at it.

Posts: 31
Joined: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:00 am

Post by Vegasmomof4 » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:19 pm

Thank you Dodger!!!


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:48 pm

Chemical or not, I definitely think anxiety and depression are two different things, but one can definitely CAUSE the other, no question about it, and it could go either way!! Anti depressants will do nothing for you if your depression is not chemical, if you are not sensitive to seratonin drops, then you will not get better from meds. Meds DO help anxiety, for sure, not cure, but help, and if your anxiety is contributing to your depression then the link is there. I'm not pushing meds, but they definitely can help get you out a deep hole so that you can start to help yourself. And as Dodger stated, it is a proven fact that any Psych doc will tell you, as long as you worry about being are VERY SANE. People who are not, lose touch with reality, and have no concept of how insane they are. Hang in there.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:56 am

I guess it comes down to what works for you. As want2 said, meds can help some...but it doesn't work for everyone. I did do some looking for information on biological, genetic, and thought connections. And really, there's no solid answer about depression and what causes it. Some people have a lack of certain chemical...others apparently have too much of the same chemical (yet are depressed). For those that have a lack of a certain chemical (whatever the reason for the depletion), medication can boost it. But be careful about side effects.
I did find a very user friendly site, and it's an easy read...the information comes from VERY reliable resources and all resources are available on the site. :)
It discusses many factors involved with depression. Just as a suggestion, if you are looking up aware of where the information is coming from...and who the sponsor is. I found a fair amount of sites that were developed and created by pharmaceutical companies. To each his own, but I think they may have a bit oa a bias...and tend to lean strongly toward meds being the answer for all.
The one site I mentioned above contained this easy read.
"It is unknown whether changes in levels of neurotransmitters cause the development of depression or depression causes changes in neurotransmitters. It may happen both ways. Researchers believe that our behavior can affect our brain chemistry, and that brain chemistry can affect behavior. For instance, if a person experiences numerous stressors or traumas this may cause his or her brain chemistry to be affected, leading to clinical depression. On the other hand, that same person may learn how to change depressed thoughts and behavior and cope with stressful events. Doing this may also change brain chemistry and relieve depression."
The site is <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank></A>
or google biology of depression and it should be one of the first couple results.
I also liked the non-profit site
<A HREF=" ... atment.htm" TARGET=_blank> ... ent.htm</A>
I found the Understanding Depression page really good. Pay close attention to the section on that page titled Medication.
I hope that maybe this will help you to feel like you can find some good resources for answers to your questions. But know, that basically we are so complex, and the verdict is still out on any concrete answer as to what causes depression. One consistent thing on every website I found was the role of our responses to stressors and trauma playing a key role (always atleast a part of the reason).
I wish you the best of luck, and remember that we DO have the power to change our thinking and our thoughts cannot control us. You may want some medication to help...but don't lose faith in the power you have within! Even meds cannot work alone.
I wish you the best of luck!
Take Care,


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:59 am


Thank you so much! !


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:13 pm

In my case, I've always had a problem with anxiety, but always managed it well and I was able to function in life. I became pregnant with my son and my chemistry was forever changed. I suffered with Antepartum and postpartum depression. I went off the anti-depressants for the first 6 months of this year. Finally I had to admit to myself that I was falling apart at the seams. I realized that I needed to be on anti-depressants. So for me it's a chemical inbalance. I'm feeling better in terms of my mood, but I'm starting the program now, because I am having terrible anxiety, which in the past I've always been able to handle. But I've also realized that my thoughts really do make me anxious. So here I am ready to make a change and I've decided to really put forth the effort and do the emotional work needed to be successful.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:51 pm

Holly, I worry about the effects of chemicals also. It has been a long time since I tried them because of concerns such as yours. I could really relate to Dodger's comments (right on!). I had "scary thoughts" such as you described for many years. I found that obsessive-compulsive behavior pretty accurately described most of my anxiety/depression problems for most of my life (and I'm retired!)ha. The book "Brain Lock: Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior" by Jeffrey M. Schwartz, MD, which I found in the local library a few years ago, really helped me a great deal. Dr. Schwartz claims that you can change your own brain chemistry, Holly, by practicing the four-step method he describes. Since I haven't had a brain scan, I can't say whether my brain chemistry has been changed, but I can say that is helped with my "scary thoughts". It also seems plausible that a program like Lusinda's may also change brain chemistry, since the groups featured on the tapes certainly manifest decided changes in behaviour and attitudes. I am hoping that this more comprehensive, and interactive program will help me overcome my tendency to be nervous, obsess a little too much about physical ailments, and avoid social events. I also want to feel less dependent on my husband.


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:17 pm

hey ya'll:
I've found that 5-HTP that can be bought at GNC and some drug stores has worked wonders for me. It is natural and I never had any side effects and been using this product for years. It boosts the serotonin in your brain. A great product. I know the few times I wasn't using it over the many years I've known about it I could tell a big difference. Hope this helps someone out there!!!


Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:00 pm

Hi Mountainsunshine:
I'm taking 5-htp also. I started it a short time ago. I ordered it from Puritan. It came in 100 mlg. capsules.
So I'm wondering how many mlgs. you take at a time. If you don't mind telling me. I felt that 100 mlg. might be too large a dose. It is in capsule form so can't cut in two.
Would you mind letting me know how much at a time that I should take?
Holly sent me some really good information
about what all it is for. But I didn't see anything about dosing information. But I was sure glad to get the information.
Thank you very much for any information that you can share about size of dose.
Mary jane

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