I do realize that I am not alone!

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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joy jenkins
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:27 pm

Post by joy jenkins » Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:28 pm

After reading some of your posts tonight, I certainly do realize that I am not alone and that in itself is such a comfort. Although of course I wish like crazy that we all felt fine! I have actually had a few better days and think that generally speaking I am better than before I started the program. But the mood swings, the teariness (tears), feelings of being so alone and lonely, really get to me. I am soooo emotional. I am getting all emotional about the election in America and I don't even live there, I live in Canada! Mustn't get political here, but there is one candidate I really like and when things go a bit wrong for him, I feel so upset! It's crazy! Wish I could just be on an even keel for a while, it would be such a pleasant change! I do feel for all of you but would encourage everyone to persist with the program, I really feel it does help. I guess we all have some days that are much better and/or worse than others. Anyone have any comments about all this emotion I am going through?!
Always love to hear from you, think I'm pretty needy too!


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:34 am

Well, Joy, if you ARE needy it only proves one thing: you are human like the rest of us! Being a 57 year old man I am sometimes amazed at how emotionally needy I feel sometimes and it is easy to become very "self-critical" of that..but the fact that I DO need encouragement or support or compassion or forgiveness does not make me (or you) a weakling...I don't think there is anything more powerful than admitting we need other people....my editorial for the day is this: we all need one another and without that truth, none of us will survive emotionally or any other way. You hang in there....be patient with yourself and take care...


Deborah Henry
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:57 pm

Post by Deborah Henry » Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:44 am

Today was my day...that crumbled...on which I crumbled. I posted today, the "Lonely Heart Syndrome" topic. Shattered today. And I'm still a bit tired, from even beginning to try to explain myself. So, I won't do that here. But I will say that I totally understand! I have always been a really independent woman, and even young lady. However, I do think it's different to go at all this revamping yourself/behavior modification...alone. Lonely Heart post explains it...or kinda tries to.
I've never considered myself needy. But there is nothing I love better than wonderful company, a person with whom you feel connected and at ease, content with.
It's hard to keep positive when you begin to feel like it doesn't even matter. I was feeing that way today....still am, really....I could make a list of my accomplishments, and then cry even harder b/c it doesn't even matter, if you don't have anyone to share it with.
That is why (at risk of sounding like taking on the victim role) I feel like it is so different to be single and taking this on. No pity party needed....
Today just had me feeling out of control. Kind of like you are saying Joy...emotional and unable to stop. Today, I realized just how much I tell myself that a (negative) thought or my being overly emotional is stupid....I'm sure that doesn't help.
Anyhow, I think that lonely heartedness makes you emotional about everything. B/c you feel crummy to begin with, then when you see some thing you feel an injustice, or feel anything for....it just gets added onto the crummy, lonely feeling which amplifies it.
I am here if either of you ever wants to talk.


Post by Guest » Fri Sep 05, 2008 10:47 am

I found some photos today of Lake Huron....Beautiful!

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