stress level increased when I started the program

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Post by Ben1231 » Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:54 pm

Hi,my name is Ben. I have dealt with anxiety and depression my entire life. I am now working in session two of the program and have found my panic attacks to be more severe than before starting the program. Especially, in social settings. Is this natural? Am I trying too hard and therefore worsening my sypmtoms? If you experienced this; any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

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Post by Pamelak » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:50 pm

Hi Ben - You're not alone! I just started this week and my stress level is definitely up! But in reading and listening to the first materials, it explains that increased stress in the beginning is normal - because we are paying more attention to our stress/depression, trying to face it and understand it, find out where it comes from, etc. I hope this is the reason for my added stress anyway! I am just accepting that it is for now and will just hang in there and stick with the program. One of the things I came across in the program says to remember we didn't get like this overnight and won't get better overnight (my paraphrase).

One thing though you might want to consider (or not), like they say in the program, you might want to check in with a physician for a regular checkup or whatever, if you haven't in a while. I will be doing that in the next week or two myself.

You - WE - just have to believe, even if we don't feel it, that we WILL get better! I have to believe that or, frankly, I wouldn't even be trying this! :-) Pam

randy c.
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Post by randy c. » Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:03 pm

hey guys.i have just completed session 3 ,my anx.was like yours at first but now its almost gone,hang in there,remember to breathe and use your!!!!!!!!!! :p

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Post by AdeleS » Sat Aug 30, 2008 4:01 am


I too am just finishing up week 1 and my anxiety is also increased quite a bit. But I accept that it is what it is and use reassuring self talk. "it's just anxiety. I am safe. I am strong. I am healthy." I believe Lucinda when she says that increased anxiety is okay, even expected. You are making a monumental step forward, I know I am. I am facing my fear and anxiety for the first time in my life. I'm 40 now and have had anxiety my whole life.

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Post by Taifun » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:45 am

I am feeling more anxious too after the first week. I am starting the second week today and just listening to the Audio II about Panic Attacks this morning made my heart race and my head feel dizzy. I had to get up and walk around the room while the CD played. I am trying to trust the process and it's good to hear that Randy in week 3 is getting past this feeling! Gives us all hope and something to look forward to :-) Ann

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Post by LSCL » Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:03 pm

I have to agree, my stress level seems to be higher since I received the CD. I keep thinking about the cost. Worry about not have shared the information with my hubby. Worry & wondering if this will help. Worry that I am not taking enough time to listen to the CD, that I am not doing it fast enough. But as I listen

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