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Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 6:57 am
by mary hughes
Pio: never say you can't instead think of it as a challenge. You can it just may be harder and take more effort. I just started the program last week myself. I know how you feel. I suffer from depression due to my upbringing and one little comment whether true or not sends me to negative mode too! But with this program I am not really thinking that way much. Just like Lucinda says it's in the past, so what! you will move forward. just have to commit and want it bad enough.

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 7:46 am
by Dervish
Hey all,

Glad to have found this 'support group' within the forum. Started for the second time last week. Been great to read everyone's posts and responses. Been having a very hard year, and recently broke up with girlfriend due to my anxiety and frustration, and depression. Was thinking in the shower and on my morning walk..."is it really possible to NOT have a somewhat constant mental drone of 'why do I feel blue, how am I going to deal with this, how long am I going to be this way,etc'". I think and get the sense that I spend most of my day contending with how I DONT feel great and happy and I DONT primarily think of what I want, what I would like to do, etc. It's mostly contending with feeling blue, and then thinking all about that with moments of function and distraction thrown in.

Is it really possible to complete this program and have my own thinking change from mostly negative and I can't and why don't just thinking what do I want, what makes me happy, what would I like, what do I need....and actually have a general physical feeling of at least FINE?!

Curious, and eager to see. It amazes me that there are lots of moments that are just incredible and fun and full of life....and then in a moment I can get hit with a panic thought or negative thought and my whole essence is brought back to depression and frustration.


Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 7:00 am
by woodbridge
"is it really possible to NOT have a somewhat constant mental drone of 'why do I feel blue, how am I going to deal with this, how long am I going to be this way,etc'".

Yes, if you believe it to be true.

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 1:05 am
by Leatha
Do those grow lights work? My depression has intensified with the weather getting colder and darker.

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:27 pm
by suz65
I really need this group. I have suffered from depression since my ex husband's first affair and am now dealing with our recent divorce(after being married for 19 years), bankruptcy,loss of my job. I have attempted suicide once and have thoughts of still trying again. I just can't seem to find the happiness in life anymore. I'm just starting this program and I'm really hoping it works.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 7:58 am
by pecos
Hi suz65. I haven't visited the forum for such a long time, and am glad to see all the new people taking initiative to change their lives. I wanted to especially respond to your post because I know how you feel. I really do. First, no one can replace the images and thoughts in your mind except you. No one can replace the emptiness you feel except you. I could give you my opinion of your ex, and it would not be a good opinion, but that only lowers both of us to giving him labels and calling him names. Not only does that not help, it probably makes things worse because it keeps your focus on the bad stuff in your history. You want to feel better. You want your life to change. The secret really and truly is in getting a handle on what you spend the bulk of your time thinking about, and when you can do that, your activities will follow. You will begin enjoying who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. Wish we all had a quick fix for all that ails us, but there are none of those. Change begins with one thought, one action. It takes a lot of work and it happens slowly as time travels us along. A secret I can give you to help is that if you can find a small group of like minded people to do this program with, you will be truly better equipped to hang in there. When I began this program, my depression was all that existed for me. I found a small group of people who were also working the program to keep me motivated, and I did my best to help them along, as well. That's one of the purposes of this forum. If you post in this depression thread, I will get a note on my email. If I see your name, I'll visit here again. I will try to visit often enough to be one of your small support group while you work this program. Don't give up. We have a gift of life. Let's don't ever, ever allow someone else to make us think our life isn't wonderful, valuable, worthwhile, and precious. You are going to get through this suffering. Many people are here for you.

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 8:16 am
by Guest
Hi Suz:
The program does work. And Pecus is so right. You will get over the intense suffering.
I did go thru' that once after 19 years of marriage. So, believe me, I do understand.
But here I am, years and years later, and the pain is all gone. It took quite awhile because I didn't know about programs like this one.
Keep posting. There are so many people here that will be for you.
Believe me, it will get better.
Wishing you much comfort!!

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 9:40 pm
by Guest
Hello all:
Seems with the spell of cold that came thru' here, I was rather confined and allowed some depression to creep in.
I began reading thru' some of these posts here which has been very helpful.
This was, and is, a good thread.
There is some really good advice.
I will take it to heart.
Thanks all.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:53 am
by pecos
Hi Mary Jane! I would like to thank you again for all the wonderful encouragement you offered when I worked this program. I understand how the cold spells and weather can cause a bit of depression. Good weather is ahead of us. Flowers and fresh cut grass. I can almost smell the aroma of springtime. You take care and stay well, and don't open the door to depression. When I feel some creeping in, I pop in a CD from this program. Doesn't even matter which one anymore, they all remind me that the thought came before the emotion. I send you warm hugs.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:43 am
by Guest
Thank you so much , Pecus!
You have indeed brought sume shunshine into a morning of still some lingering fog.
Your kind thoughts are appreciated. You've been a source of support for so many!
I certainly will put on some of my tapes.
The day does look brighter.