Really sad- need advice

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.

Post by Guest » Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:12 am

Ashlyn, Thank you so much for the kind words you have given me. Where do you get the book at???? How long have you been on the program? There is really alot of things I would like to talk to someone about but, some of my things are very private and I do not wish to post them all over here. It's not that I am trying to be mean it's just things that I would perfure to talk to in private.........I hope that you and I can do that I really need a good friend right now. Thank you.............


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:14 am

Originally posted by lionqueen:
It seems to me that your Mom is the one with a problem or the problem.People tend to act like that when they're insecure.Maybe she has a problem that you dont know about and she takes it on you! I think she needs to go through this program also!
She is the way she is and you cant control that, only she can!But you can control YOU! She has a problem and let her deal with it.Just pray for her,that's all you can do.
But you can do a lot of thigs for yourself.Dont't stay in that "poor me mentality"
God likes strong people!(im sorry, i dont know what your believes are).Get up on the inside and start doing things for yourself.Dont wait for your Mom or your family to change the way they feel about you! Start exercising,that is great for depression, that is what I'm doing!watch what you eat and drink talk to people that are positive,go to church,do something for an older or desabled person etc...Don't worry everything's going to be ok.

Posts: 10
Joined: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:24 am

Post by 4202 » Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:52 pm

Thanks, I was going to church.....but you see I am not able to drive so I have no way to get there. I was riding with my sister but, that is another story also.....Sooooooooooo I am beating myself up and can not help it.


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:47 pm

Originally posted by Angels-R-4-Me:
Thanks, I was going to church.....but you see I am not able to drive so I have no way to get there. I was riding with my sister but, that is another story also.....Sooooooooooo I am beating myself up and can not help it.


Post by Guest » Wed Sep 24, 2008 4:59 pm

I am new to this, I just started yesterday. I am scared also. I am a Christian and God loves you very much, I don't know you personally but I love you also. You have to believe you are valuable, God created us all with a purpose and you will find yours. Try to be around possitive people if you are able. I live with a husband who is depressed, but wont admit it. Sometimes life seems hard, but hang in there, I've been through 3 "breakdowns" so far, and have had such a rewarding and happy life most of the time. Remember "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me". That gets me out of bed every day. I am having trouble because my last "bad time" was 12 years ago, and I never believed it would happen again. I am in shock and someday I have alot of questions for God. I believe all things happen for a reason. We have to be strong and believe and hang in there. I am having trouble trusting myself right now due to negative thinking ( I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder so when I get worried about something sometimes it "sticks" in my head and I have trouble letting it go, actually I get afraid that I might not be able to let it go). I think this program is an answered prayer so lets stick with it and we will win. How long have you been in the program?

Posts: 78
Joined: Thu Apr 03, 2008 9:24 pm

Post by Angla » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:29 am

Hopeful in WV, Good morning. Thanks for the advice,and I understand where you are coming from.There is alot I would like to talk to you about.....I would like it to be private though. I do not like somethings of my business all over the computer. I am not sure if we are PM right now or not. I am also new at this and I am not sure what all I am doing. Please help me...........


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 25, 2008 3:54 am

Originally posted by Angels-R-4-Me:
Hopeful in WV, Good morning. Thanks for the advice,and I understand where you are coming from.There is alot I would like to talk to you about.....I would like it to be private though. I do not like somethings of my business all over the computer. I am not sure if we are PM right now or not. I am also new at this and I am not sure what all I am doing. Please help me...........
Hi I am online and sent you 2 PMs a few minutes ago. Just reply to those and it won't be public.



Post by Guest » Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:32 am

Originally posted by Angels-R-4-Me:
Hopeful in WV, Good morning. Thanks for the advice,and I understand where you are coming from.There is alot I would like to talk to you about.....I would like it to be private though. I do not like somethings of my business all over the computer. I am not sure if we are PM right now or not. I am also new at this and I am not sure what all I am doing. Please help me...........

Barb G.
Posts: 323
Joined: Wed Aug 30, 2006 11:00 am

Post by Barb G. » Thu Sep 25, 2008 8:38 am

It is afternoon here, 3:30, I am going to have to go to the hospital, my father has terminal cancer and is having a rough day. Doesn't help w/ the stress, anxiety. You can email me at, if you are really desperate and need someone to talk to you can reach me at (304)615-1436. I am definately no expert and I feel very nervous and unsure of myself today. But, I know I must go on. I have to be strong for my family and we owe it to ourselves. Please email me or call me if you need someone to talk to. I prayed for all of us last night. We will find our way, I know it.


Post by Guest » Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:25 am

Hi, I have PM'd you several times in reply to your PM's to me. You just keep saying you are here. You have to reply to my PM with what you want to tell me or I can't try to help you. I have been worried sick about you. Please talk to me or let me know you don't want to talk. It's ok either way.


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