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Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:07 am
by Paisleegreen
I wouldn't go off of them cold turkey. I was taking Wellbutrin with Cymbalta when I went off of Cymbalta, but I switched to Serzone, which I had been on before. I experienced dizziness, and other things when I went back on the Serzone so I I quit that right away after I fell a few times.

Then stayed on Wellbutrin and was introduced to Xanax. Then weaned off of both last year working with a Psychologist. I'm on a 17 mg of Remeron and take Temazepam to sleep. I was on a higher dosage of Remeron, but don't care for it.

Anyway, it takes some time and knowing who you are and what the stresses are in your life right now. Paislee

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 2:19 pm
by smallyfish
I have been in that kind of trouble too,you'd better get to a different place to change your mind,you'd better get out of the house for a trip or something ,but do not be alone,try talk to some strangers.

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 2:50 pm
by Lisa Roehrs
You sound alot like me right now.I used to be very disciplined with everything that needed to be done no matter how I felt. I actually looked forward to getting everything done. It was a challenge to me. I'ts gotten worse in the last few years, but the last several months have been the worst! I have lost all motivation to do anything and then of course that sends me into a deeper depression knowing nothings getting done. I literally could sleep 24hrs a day most days. I feel like I'm going crazy because I don't want to be like this, but feel powerless to do anything else. I'm really hoping that God has brought this program to my attention and it's not just me.I would really appreciate it if we could pray for each other.
Sorry I have to get the kids to bed. Talk to you later

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2011 4:04 pm
by Paisleegreen
Prayers sent your way, Lisa!

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:46 am
by jennyrh
I must agree with Lisa. I think I could sleep and never wake up (no, I am not suicidal, I just want to sleep). I get overwelmed very easily, so my way to cope with it is to just shut down and do nothing at all since I don't feel like I can do any of it correctly. I liked what paisleegreen said when she talked about doing the minimum and it being good enough. (thanks for that!)

I am finding that I am using the relaxation cd at least 3 times a day and a couple of times, just doing the breathing part and using the positive self-talking to help reasure myself. Along with my carry card, every morning I write down 5 positive things about myself (try to do different ones for 4 day, then allow myself to repeat positive things). I review these things with my carry card and these are the things I repeat to myself during the breathing session on the relax cd. This seems to be helping me I feel like I can at least be okay with some of what I can do. Another thing I tell myself is that what I am doing is okay, at least I am doing something.

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:50 am
by Paisleegreen
Jennyrh--I have yet to listen to the relaxation CD all the way through and seriously. I started to listen to it while I was in the tub, just to get the jest of it. I know I need to settle down in my bedroom and when noone is around and listen to it. I kinda was hoping for an IPOD for Christmas, but the memo didn't get around to all of the family. :D :p I also need to get my cards ready and other positive quotes to carry around. And also don't be afraid to stick them up on a wall or mirror. I just don't want my negative adult children reading them. But then they just might benefit from reading them.

If it comes back to be as a slam in an argument, then it should really be them that read my "positive messages" the one at fault or egg on their face so to speak. Because they have been the critical ones that want me to change my ways, when really they have a lot of changing to do themselves to have a productive life. Paislee

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:48 pm
by SweetBee
I understand completely, I haven't been in your exact shoes, but that sound so much like me. I'm only 18, but feel like I'm an 80 year old incapable of taking care of myself. It's almost impossible just to get out of bed before 3:00 PM unless I have work to force me to get up. I even left public school, and cry when I think about how much I am missing out on.

My youth is almost completely gone. I need help but don't know who to turn to. But, it helps a little knowing that somebody else has the same feelings - that I'm not completely crazy.