
Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.

Post by Guest » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:00 pm

Hi Mountainsunshine:
I'm taking 5-htp also. I started it a short time ago. I ordered it from Puritan. It came in 100 mlg. capsules.
So I'm wondering how many mlgs. you take at a time. If you don't mind telling me. I felt that 100 mlg. might be too large a dose. It is in capsule form so can't cut in two.
Would you mind letting me know how much at a time that I should take?
Holly sent me some really good information
about what all it is for. But I didn't see anything about dosing information. But I was sure glad to get the information.
Thank you very much for any information that you can share about size of dose.
Mary jane

Posts: 60
Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:54 pm

Post by jess23 » Sat Aug 30, 2008 7:42 am

I bought them in 50mg capsules. The health store owner who sold them to me said 50mgs is a low dose and most people take 100mgs. But I wanted to buy the 50mgs because I am so small. Mountainsunshine, I was taking 5htp for almost 2 weeks and stopped because I didnt feel any difference. Does it take longer? Can you take 5htp with birth control pills? MARGIE, I feel the same way. My anxiety and depression are caused by my obsessive thinking. I in fact now obsess that what if i cant stop obsessing or what if I never stop being depressed because i cant stop obsessing over it. ahhhhhh! Will i ever stop obsessing over a thought?? Im always in my head all day and this is depressing! How do you find out if your brain is missing chemicals??
"life is 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you react to it."


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 30, 2008 8:27 am


I am sure all things within the body are either electrical or chemically based. However to say that we have an imbalance is to think that we were balanced before our anxiety became so intense. I tend to think that we practiced over a long period of time to feel anxious. It may not have been the scary thoughts that you have now, but other areas in your life. So, prior to your fear being attached to your anxiety, you had a lot of years practicing the habit of negative thinking. For example, you may have had social anxiety where you thought people were always talking about you etc. The negative thinking engine adds a shot of fear and then we are in the cycle you describe. The thing is, the only thing that has changed is the element of terror to the fear. Terror, charges the adrenalin paths and gives us all the body reactions. So, at the end of the day, we were anxious before fear and terror entered the equation and once we calm ourselves down a bit, the same things are still there. So, this program allows us to have tools to not let the anxiety build to the point where we feel terror and it helps eliminate the fear in other areas as well. It takes time and YOU will feel better.


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