Depression keeps coming back

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.

Post by Guest » Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:05 pm

I have a question. If negative thoughts are what consist of of ones depression, will anti-depressants help them? I find this so confusing. I feel like dr's think depression is purely chemical so they prescribe you anti-depressants. So does ones negative thinking which leads to depression affect their chemicals in their brain? Or is it not chemical all the time. I know mine isn't really situational. I think mine is the way i interpret my feelings. I scare the crap out of myself and i tend to always think: I am hopeless! I can never be helped. I am a lost cause. What id i get so depressed. . . and i know my negative thoughts make it worse. i am in some sort of cycle because Im like is this chemical(which makes me feel i cant control it)? Or is this my thinking? And i know chemical can affect your thinking but does it work the other way???


Post by Guest » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:29 pm

Great quote...isn't it from the Hindu faith? Maybe not...I took classes on world beliefs and views in college, and was always very drawn to Hindu beliefs. At any rate, wherever it's's great.
I am not a doctor, or better yet a scientist. So I can't really say in any great detail about how it works on that level. Although I wish I could. But from what I do know, we do have an impact on chemicals in our body. Just like on the cd's with reference to our obsessive scary thoughts, that obsessive thought pattern will actually increase the amount of adrenaline in your body. Not because you need it, but because you are overreacting to a situation and making your body create more of that chemical. Over the course of a day or 2, it builds and isn't used to "fight" or for survival, so you have a panic attack. I will do a little digging on this, in relation to depression.
Keep in mind that doctors aren't scientist. I'm not saying that they don't know their stuff...but they look to scientists/biologists to see how the body works. And we make new discoveries everyday.
I know that being skeptical can be negative, but when money drives so much of our world. I do get a bit skeptical with things that involve massive amounts of money. The fact that pharmaceutical companies go into dr. offices (giving freebies and all) to promote their company's drug(s)...then in return the doctors prescribe the drugs. Western medicine is so different from eastern medicine in so many ways. And people have been successful with healing their bodies without these medications. I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the money. The difference between having a person healed, or being dependent on prescriptions and follow up office visits.

That's just my opinion, no offense to drs. I know there are many great one's out there. And I'm sure many went into the field for good reasons, and practice with that in mind.
I'll do some looking as far the relationship between the thoughts and the chemicals. I'll let you know what I find.
Great evening/day to all! :)

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