Support circle for depression

Anyone suffering from depression may post their history, experience, comments and/or suggestions. Please refrain from indepth discussions about medicines or other therapies.
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Post by SCDon » Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:53 am

So, one month later and a little progress. I started back on the Prozac and prayed to God for a counselor and have found one who can help for free for now. Also, through a free clinic, I have found a dentist who said this morning she can fix 5 of my teeth (I knew about 3 so that is great). I joined the aadgroup Shifrah mentions. I have tried to get out and exercise some and that has helped. I started the program over. Working on Session 2. As I recall, session 3, negative thoughts is a real challenge for me. I just want to get better fast and it is step by step. I wish I could get on the chatroom more but cannot for now. Thank you all for supporting each other. It helps to see that.
take care and hang in there.

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Post by pecos » Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:33 pm

SCDon ... Hi! How are you doing? I return to the forum every now and then, and did not know you'd left a note here. Sounds like you are in forward positive motion these days, and I am so happy about that. I remember some of your posts in the old days, and you have such a genuine sense of humor. One of the helpful things I discovered while working through Session 3, Self Talk (for the umpteenth time) is that if I smile internally and externally while I transform the negative into a positive, it becomes so much more natural and easy. Please keep in touch with an update here every now and then. I am cheering for you. Big hugs.

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Post by VATX » Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:28 pm

Originally posted by Barb G.:
I too would like to join. I'm wondering does anyone get depressed with hot temps and humidity? I'm finding myself tired and depressed and can't figure out why. Even tho I have air on I think the humidity is affecting me.

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Post by Huggermag » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:26 pm

After one whole hour, I think I have figured out how to post comment. omgosh, how sad for me. This is just typical of what my days are like. I waste way too much time trying to figure out little tiny things. I hear many of you worrying about your meds and should you take them or should you not. I was on wellbutrin, didn't quit smoking, gave up chocolate, though, and had to put myself back on chocolate, because, I LIKE chocolate. Huh? Then I was on zoloft which made me a zombie. I was on another one I can't remember and then I was on Effexor. Needless to say, I am not on any now because they all made me feel like I was on drugs. Then when they were wearing off, especially the effexor, I would lose it. I would cry for no reason and couldn't stop. I would rage for no reason or if there was a reason, it was way over reacted. And I knew it. I knew I was nuts acting and out of control but couldn't stop it. Stopping antidepressants can be very dangerous. One can have seizures from stopping them abruptly. You have to taper off. So running out of cash and stopping my effexor was for me to either lose it and end up in a locked ward, somewhere, or getting arrested for being a menace to society. In other words, my problems and antidepressant use was like throwing rocks in the Grand Canyon to try to fill it. Not happening. So I took myself off of effexor over 5 months. How did I know I needed to take that long? I had an anomaly of being able to feel the seritonin pumps in my head fire. Weird but my doc said some report feeling it and it is not imagined, it is real. I really feel it. When I get very tired or exhausted or depressed, I still feel it sometimes. If feels like falling forward suddenly, like being on a rollercoaster or when an elevator lunges. And it sounds like air brakes on a semi. I've been having it a bit lately. Just thought I'd put that out there for some of you. Maybe you won't feel so "crazy" or out there on your own. I had a bad divorce from an alcoholic/addict/domestic abuser, 4yrs ago, but he still thinks I should see him, which I don't but he still calls every once in a while trying to get me to take him back and take care of him. My oldest son, whom the abuser did a number on is now an alcoholic and lives with me. I'm the only one who gets what he is going thru and what he went thru. He's pretty much run out of places to go because of the drinking and stealing money to drink, so he's with me. I sleep with my purse.
I've been depressed forever. Just like most of you out there. I really want this to work. I hope for all of us, it does.

tennis guy
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Post by tennis guy » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:24 pm

Originally posted by Huggermag:
After one whole hour, I think I have figured out how to post comment. omgosh, how sad for me. This is just typical of what my days are like. I waste way too much time trying to figure out little tiny things. I hear many of you worrying about your meds and should you take them or should you not. I was on wellbutrin, didn't quit smoking, gave up chocolate, though, and had to put myself back on chocolate, because, I LIKE chocolate. Huh? Then I was on zoloft which made me a zombie. I was on another one I can't remember and then I was on Effexor. Needless to say, I am not on any now because they all made me feel like I was on drugs. Then when they were wearing off, especially the effexor, I would lose it. I would cry for no reason and couldn't stop. I would rage for no reason or if there was a reason, it was way over reacted. And I knew it. I knew I was nuts acting and out of control but couldn't stop it. Stopping antidepressants can be very dangerous. One can have seizures from stopping them abruptly. You have to taper off. So running out of cash and stopping my effexor was for me to either lose it and end up in a locked ward, somewhere, or getting arrested for being a menace to society. In other words, my problems and antidepressant use was like throwing rocks in the Grand Canyon to try to fill it. Not happening. So I took myself off of effexor over 5 months. How did I know I needed to take that long? I had an anomaly of being able to feel the seritonin pumps in my head fire. Weird but my doc said some report feeling it and it is not imagined, it is real. I really feel it. When I get very tired or exhausted or depressed, I still feel it sometimes. If feels like falling forward suddenly, like being on a rollercoaster or when an elevator lunges. And it sounds like air brakes on a semi. I've been having it a bit lately. Just thought I'd put that out there for some of you. Maybe you won't feel so "crazy" or out there on your own. I had a bad divorce from an alcoholic/addict/domestic abuser, 4yrs ago, but he still thinks I should see him, which I don't but he still calls every once in a while trying to get me to take him back and take care of him. My oldest son, whom the abuser did a number on is now an alcoholic and lives with me. I'm the only one who gets what he is going thru and what he went thru. He's pretty much run out of places to go because of the drinking and stealing money to drink, so he's with me. I sleep with my purse.
I've been depressed forever. Just like most of you out there. I really want this to work. I hope for all of us, it does.

tennis guy
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Joined: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:17 pm

Post by tennis guy » Fri Oct 09, 2009 1:30 pm

I wish you the best.Im going through major depression from a series of financial losses which triggered my depression.I just started the program today.Its all about helping one another get the skiils to overcome

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Post by char-lee » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:05 pm

Hey Guys,
count me in!I also am having some diffuculty with posting questions & comments.I also have just started the program and find myself not able to devote the time recommended to this program due to work & family commitments.Any wonder I have anxiety?Way to much on my plate and always has been.I was wondering if anyone experiences the feelings I do when I am in a room with someone who doesn't like me ( at work)?I feel the urgent need to get away.It somehow makes me feel bad about myself.It makes me want to hurt myself so I don't have to feel that pain ever again.Any thoughts?

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Post by Dewdrop » Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:25 am

pat15: regards to my grandson's likely depression.
when he was around 17-18 age bracket, he had to watch his mother slowly die over a period of one year and 3 and one half months. This parents had divorced a few years before at a critical time in his life and his siblings lives. His mother had likely had been ill for a number of years with this amlydois (spelling?) an incurable condition, for many years, which affected many systems in the body. He was the one who had to be most responsible for her over site and then hear her cry out for an hour before she passed on. Even though others were there for his support it was very traumatic. Then his older brother was killed on a motor cycle by a deer while returning from night work, leaving his support that had come from his loving older brother gone. Next he gave up on his faith, and I feel it was due to to much grief and shock. Then when he tried to develop a companion relationship that person left him in the dump. I feel depression set in. For a comment was made to his aunt that he had no feeling anymore. I know his days and nights are turned around, making it hard to live a normal life and care for daytime obligations. He mentioned he knows he should exercise more but it doesn't seem to work into his programing night job. He doesn't really eat much until he has to and is very very thin, I wish I could help get him back on tract and be happy once again. But do not know really how to address the matter, he is a very inside of himself, private person who seems to be in a state of wanting to be alone. Any suggestions?

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Post by stephen25 » Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:19 am

hey goodday, feel better already, seeing all you here helpiig each other thanks i beleive deppression is part physical an mental so when i exercise and focus on whats good its uplifting

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Post by Pio » Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:04 am

Hello, this is my first week. Because of my busy days it's hard for me to do the program consecutively, but I am trying. I'm glad to see that there is a support group for depression. All of your comments are helpful to me. I always think that everyone can do this or that, but I can't. I get depressed because one negative thought about myself takes me into a down spiral of negative self doubts.

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