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Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:47 am
by NinjaFrodo
Recently, I have been schedualling my days by each hour. Some days I didn't really follow the schedual at all some days i did and some days i got most of it schedualled. What i've come to realize is, regardless of if i followed the schedual or not there are 4 things that have to happen in order for my day to feel successful.

#1 I must do some reading on the cognitive books i'm into right now.

#2 I must take some time to apply some of the knowledge i've learned from the cognitive books.

#3 I have to use a relaxation method at least once

#4 I've gatta do something fun.

So basically, Research-Grow-Relax-Fun. I've realized that if i do too much research and/or applying this knowledge, I start to think about how i am not relaxing and I feel more stressed and less accomplish. I've also realized that If I do fun things too much then i feel like i haven't done anything that day and again I feel stressed. If I try to relax too much, my mind is racing from thoughts of what i haven't done and need to do and then i beat myself up for not being able to relax properly.

As a bonus, If i get to sleep earlier (say 9 or 10pm), then i feel even more accomplished and successful.

So what has to happen for your day to feel like a success?


Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:03 am
by Guest
first of all its prob not worth to even try to schedule ur day by the hour cuz chances r it aint gonna happen and you'll just beat yourself up over it, you just have to try to see what works for you, personally when im thinking too much about my anxiety it gets worse i think you gotta get that positive thought in there and quickly distract yourself and as long as your getting to sleep pretty much on time as well as getting up with a little excercise you should b fine

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 10:22 am
by Guest
hey swirly, thank you for your reply. It sounds like you are trying to give advice and be helpful and i appreciate this and perhaps i may have worded things a diffrent way then my actual intent. My intent was to share my insight that i had gotten from the research and practical application i have done in order to inspire others and cause them to think a little deeper on the topic as well as sharing ideas with people.

Is it possible that you may have perceieved my message a diffrent way?


Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:46 pm
by Guest
While I don't schedule things by the hour, I do like to write down every day what I want to accomplish. It feels so good to cross something out as being "completed", gives me a sense of accomplishment. I've been having trouble with motivating myself to listen to the relaxation cd daily so today I wrote it down in my planner: "Listen to relaxation cd." Seeing it written down made me get it done!

Anysue, for me to feel like my day was a success I usually have:

1. Get some exercise or outdoor time in.
2. Eat good,healthy food for at least one (if not all three) meals.
3. Do some homework. (I'm not working right now, just going to school full-time so schoolwork is my main priority!)
4. Laugh, usually at a funny TV show.
5. Have some downtime, relaxing "me" time.

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:52 am
by Guest
i got you ninja froto i could be a little spazzed sometimes

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:07 am
by Guest
No worries Swirly.

You are right though, some people may not find that schedualing your day hour by hour as helpful. It does depend on your perception and I think it is safe to say that if i tried this 4 years ago, it wouldn't work for me either. That all-or-nothing thinking would have taken over. I think working with this program and other cognitive type techniques and such, I was able to ingrane in my head that cognitive therapy = me getting better. There is lots of faith has taken awhile to get to this point though.


Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 10:10 am
by Guest
now into lesson 4, success is to feel less anxiety during the day. I list the basics to do everyday, and at the end of the day I check off
what I did. Exer, relax tape, breath practice,
no caffeince and low sugar intake, no alcohol,
and working on the current lesson. I have a lead sheet I take with me all day, and refer to it for the main changes I need for myself. See that everyone uses methods that works best for them.
some self discovery through this program is even helping me use it better!!!