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Extra time on session 4

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:34 pm
by wilso3dm
About a week ago I started session 4. This is a really hard session for me. I "should" all over the place.I never realized how much of my thinking is "I should do this," or "they should be doing that." I scored a 51 on the attitude inventory. Felt ashamed.But I know I can change this behavior and live more positively and in the moment. I've been having more anxiety this week, and not sure if I'm taking the program too fast and need to go back to 3 or if I am scared because session 4 is where I need alot of work in. If you have any feed back I would appreciate it. Thank you!

Re: Extra time on session 4

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 12:19 am
by VJosaphat
Would have been nice if somebody could have given some input as I am feeling the same way.

Re: Extra time on session 4

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:31 pm
by lisatipton
I feel the same way. This week has been rough. I scored a 60 on the attitude inventory. I have been extra stressed and I know it is because this session is hard. I have spent a lot of extra time on this session. I am trying to learn everything i can.

- Lisa