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Week 4

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:14 am
by trae248
I am really excited about the program this week. I tend to be perfectionist and so learning how to lower my expectations is freeing. I think I am starting to understand how important it is to keep the negativity out of my head!!!

Re: Week 4

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:11 am
by asammy
that is awesome! It is so important to go into these lessons with a positive attitude. I'm still working on the program but session 4 was so important to me because i had SUCH high expectations of everyone around me and myself that it just was not realistic. At first it is very hard to apply the lesson but trust me, it is worth the pay off! hope you continue to have success :)

Re: Week 4

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:32 pm
by stelo63
I too am a perfectionist! I love Session 4 - wow I am sure that I have been hard to live with. I'm learning to relax more and not expect so much from everyone. I need to let my kids be kids and I need to learn that I am not perfect and I am not going to be the best at everything I do - I'm killing off all the shoulds!! No more "shoulding" on me. I say that about 10 times a day and it really sinks it. I need to just be me. It is nice to hear from others who are in Session 4 - what is working for you?? - Spread the news - we could all use a little help now and again. This program really works. Hang in there everyone!