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step 4 done but i'm being told I'm overdoing it/running myse

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:27 pm
by pepsilover
My husband says: No wonder you're anxious all you do all day is listen to tapes reminding you that you have panick disorder, write about your panick, talk about it, read cards about it, run (exercise) from it, cry about it, pray about it. read about it and fill your days with doctors about it looking for the magic cure. He says he's anxious watching me do all this. So I say to you anyone else struggling with this feeling? I wake up fearful maybe it's cuz my whole day is filled with cmbating this problem, maybe there's another way to deal with it more easy going. My husband says It's our mind our decision just simple except breathe and say NO NOT RIGHT NOW! I got life to go live.
Please reply,

Re: step 4 done but i'm being told I'm overdoing it/running

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:10 am
by mmwillie928
not knowing all the ins and outs of your life, but reading what you typed, it sounds like you are on the right track of working to overcome your you really want to overcome it and that determination is very important. but, since you are upset when you wake up about what you have to do, you might be being too hard on yourself. when you feel that upset and you know it is cause you are thinking about all you have to do, maybe you would benefit from being more soothing to yourself, like "I don't have to do it all today" or "It's ok, i don't have to do it perfectly" or whatever it takes to soothe yourself. they do say that working on the program and your anxiety is anxiety producing, which i know it is from experience. it's because we are tackling things that we always wanted to ignore before.
i know we are all different, but i tend to look at the CD's as a source of encouragement. i guess cause i look at them in a positive way it makes me feel good when i listen to them.
i hope i have been of some help to you. remember, like they say in the CD on expectations, try not expecting perfection or too much from yourself, and like isn't about easy, so strive to be ok living in an imperfect world. that is a huge one for me, and some of the people on the CD's said they go back to that lesson time and time again. so don't worry, we all aren't perfect and things will never be perfect, and that's ok.
if you ever want to just chat on our journey here, feel free to write me anytime. i love having people on here to talk to.

Re: step 4 done but i'm being told I'm overdoing it/running

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:00 pm
by delano
Dear Pepsilover- mmwillie was right on. I find people who have not experienced a panic/anxiety attack have difficulty understanding and sometimes sympathizing what we are going through. If we suffered from any physical visual ailment or disease, they may be more understanding. Loving those around us and keeping our expectations in check will help. Remember they don't know because they don't know. The partner guidelines in the workbook on page 204 are helpful. I think what is exciting is we may very well be better overall after going through the program. Not just the anxiety, but in other areas as well. As my coach stated, every session she encountered was a precious jewel to her. I have to agree. I am a 54 yr. old male and have been dealing with this for at least 16 years. My situation is not far from yours. I too have extra anxiety from working to rid ourselves from this. I don't know why we have this condition, I just know that we do. It is what it is. I believe if we stay on the program, we will beat this. I hope you are doing better since your last message. I am on day 3 of session 4 and doing everything I can to stay on track and stay positive. Speak positive, think positive. Continue your self comforting thoughts. Do the best you can and don't beat yourself up if you slip now and then. Just get back up and keep going. You and all of us can do this. We are capable. We will overcome. :D

Re: step 4 done but i'm being told I'm overdoing it/running

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 2:49 pm
by Paisleegreen
Ah..pepsilover--I understand where you are coming from. Thanks to my husband going to therapy sessions with me, the Dr was able to explain G.A.D. but still he doesn't quite understand it. Now I need my son to get in and see this Dr so that he understands what I'm going through. As he is part of my problem. He has the power to cause my computer to not work or change things around with it. I finally am able to get pics on the computer to share with others and he sabotages that "happiness in my life".

So I know it is hard when the people we love aren't totally understanding or want us to get better. Maybe they like us in our status quo...maybe not. I think they just don't like that we are taking care of ourselves right now and that is all we can do or have the energy to do.

You've had some good advice from the others...keep working the does help. Paislee