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A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:26 pm
by ab1982
This isn't easy for me, because this kind of problem is very hard to admit. People who have this character trait are usually very ashamed of themselves. So am I. I'm very lazy. It is my main problem in life and I believe that it's been causing me to be depressed all these years. And it makes me anxious as well, I mean, things pile up and don't get done. But when it's time to get things done, I kind of find excuses to go do something else.
Please, someone, who's overcome laziness, share some wisdom with me! I feel like a person who's committed a crime and has absolutely nothing to say for themselves.

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 1:02 am
by Nanner823
Wow I can relate to you big time! I only do what I have to. I was wondering today why I sleep so much, I think its an escape from anxious feelings. I don't like to do anything I let laundry pile until my kids basically run out of stuff. To speak of shameful, I some times don't even shower I haven't figured out if I am to tired, lazy or anxious. I wish I knew, I wish I had the energy to do things every day. I only do what I have to now I only do a lot extra if someone is here with me, but if I am alone I would rather just be lazy and not give myself a reason to feel anxious.

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:32 am
by Paisleegreen
Do you think you are just lazy, or suffering from Depression?

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 12:29 pm
by ab1982
Paisleegreen, to be honest, I don't know what came first. It's been so long. It's all in the mindset. I think I'm allowing myself to be lazy, because I'm not very responsible. I'd assume that people who have the urgency to get something done wouldn't even have a thought about putting it off. And it all goes back to me being so immature. Immaturity=> irresponsibility=> laziness. I think depression was secondary, brought on by these character traits. :cry:

Nanner823, thank you so much for sharing. I feel like I'm not alone. I know it's gotten out of hand when I have to lie about the things I do and don't do, because I'm so ashamed of myself. I am addicted to television. I don't drink or do drugs, I don't drink coffee or smoke, but I am very addicted to TV and it feels like it's just as bad as the addictions I mentioned above. It sucks me in and I can't let go. I go to bed late, I watch it in all hours of the day. I'm planning on canceling direct tv in hopes that I'll stop this nonsense! Seriously, people, tv is just as bad as cigarettes and alcohol!

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Wed Apr 06, 2011 1:06 am
by datgirl23
Omg i can relate to you as well.. i've always been kinda lazy but not kuz i wanted to but my mom always spoiled me so much she wuld do everything for me til the day i had my son...i didnt even know how to wash my clothes so i guess wen it became time to do it on my own i would jst lagg it you know...then with time wen i became depressed i thought it was jsst that i was lazy so maybe we were depressed b4 we even noticed and we thought it was jst laziness.. but i'm tryin hard to stop my bad habits one of being lazy..i do things that i know i have to do even if i dnt want to it helps you know it lets me know like hey i'm not lazy and this isn't so bad at all...

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:16 pm
by awake2
I think what your saying is actually a part of the condition of anxiety and depression itself. I def use to feel very lazy, you know I was one of those people who always had a laundry list of things to do, but never could seem to muster up the energy to do them. This was especially difficult during bouts of depression, and it was def a vicious cycle, feeling lazy= not doing stuff= feeling guilty for not doing stuff=depression. That was my cycle. When I got through the depression, I had moments when I felt like I was forcing myself to get a bunch of stuff done and running around which produced more anxiety and then slowly depression. Today I'm more balanced and in the middle. But I still do have moments, especially working on my limitations where it's a game of avoidance. I know they are there, I have to do them eventually, but eveything else becomes so much more important. I've realized that what I thought to be laziness for a long time was not, it was really an avoidance tactic. But doing nothing I wasn't risking anything, good bad or anything. If I felt good I didn't want to jinx myself lol, If I felt bad, it was another reason not to try something. Problem is that over time, the stuff you don't do, or avoid causes feelings of depression, almost like a reason not to try because you don't want to feel bad. I would say be kind to yourself. Anxiety and depression is hard enough all on it's own. Baby steps.

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 1:18 am
by Pauly J
There is no such thing as laziness, it is just that you are not properly motivated! By putting off things, or procrastinating, we tend to put off the pain of doing the things we know we should do, to gain the pleasure of doing something else which is more comforting! If you can change the meaning of the task that you avoid, meaning if you can change the meaning as something more pleasurable, and change the meaning of not doing the task as something painful, change will occur!

pauly j

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 1:22 pm
by luvu4u2003
Feeling lazy is normal...and totally ok untill it holds you back from the fun things in life. You may want to look the question of why you are lazy. Could it be a symptom of depression??? Most likey! :)

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 3:34 am
by sheadob
I know how you feel. You don't really mean lazy though- I think you are thinking of a lack of energy and just the will to try... But trust me you aren't alone on that. Everything takes so much effort for me. I think it is my anxiety that does it to me but it makes me create excuses to procrastinate or get myself out of doing something. Even just making a phone call I will procrastinate. Staying home and being alone is so much easier.

Re: A very shameful problem. Please help.

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:48 pm
by CarolM
wow that is me to a tee!