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Planning for an event

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:26 pm
by nice gal
I am a crafter and spent the entire month of February planning for my first craft show of the year. Without realizing it I had a lot of expectations about the event itself and how much money I thought I would make and how many people would be there, etc. Being a perfectionist I put a lot of time into my preparation and when I got to the actual event, it was a total disappointment. An unexpected snowstorm happened that day and prevented a lot of prospective buyers from coming. I did not make the amount of money that I had hoped to make and I found myself feeling angry by the end of the day. I wanted to blame someone for why it was not more successful, but there was no one to blame! No one could control the weather patterns for that day. The location of the event was good but the weather was not. I went home that night and though I was tired from all of my hard work, I could not sleep. My anger from un-met expecations was keeping me up that night and I began to feel depressed. Then a flow of negative thoughts began to flood my brain about my success as a crafter and my success in life.

My question for whoever is reading this is: What kind of self-talk could I have said to myself about this situation? I need some examples so that I know how to handle this better next time.

Does anyone else have high expecations when planning for events and then is later disappointed? If so, I would like to hear your story so that I know that I am not alone.


Re: Planning for an event

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 9:19 pm
by jess3270
That is def a tough one...I can understand as I do the same with expectations. If I was in that situation, I might try focusing on the great work I had done to prepare (how hard and dedicated of worker I am) and that even though my expectations didnt quite come true, I still went through with it, and I still did my best...constantly being positive. It sounded like you were on the right track though, saying it was out of your control, becasue in reality, IT WAS! :-) And that is something you could have kept repeating to yourself. Also, think of the wonderful things you can do for next time, and get that creative mind going and create something "new" for the next show...bc there is always a next time! Instead of focusing on what didnt happen, think of the wonderful things to create for next time...make it exciting! Turn that anger and anxious thinking into excitement! I hope that helps a little!? Positive thoughts!!!! :-) Jess

Re: Planning for an event

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:26 pm
by nice gal
Thank you Jess for all of your good suggestions. It is true that all of my preparation was not in vain as I do plan to participate in more shows in the future. And it was a huge accomplishment that I actually stepped out and participated in a show (instead of staying home and not doing anything). It took a lot of courage for me to do that. Thanks again for helping me to look on the bright side. :D

Re: Planning for an event

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:25 am
by westlynne56
Good for you! Sounds as if you're putting this situation into its proper perpesctive. It sounds as if this venture is a long term one so this is just the beginning. Think of it as the first step, a practice run perhaps. Know that the more persistent you are, the more successful you will be.

You can't control the weather but it sounds as if you're figuring out ways to change you.



Re: Planning for an event

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:48 pm
by praying4sun
ummm i would probably look up at the sky and tell the sun (in my thoughts of course lol).... okey dear sun, you did not not want to come out today- that's fine hide from me, i will not allow you to rain on my parade. than i would sigh and say to myself, i tried- i work hard to get here, i am proud of myself and look forward to the next show- it will be great!

my mom does craftshows during the winter season, and she has had good ones and rainy ones- it's happened to all great crafters :-)