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WANTED: Looking for a person that has conquered pure ocd

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 1:06 am
by amberlee
Hi my name is amber and I have pure ocd. I want to get rid of it. It has ruined my life! I am tired of meds because they dont solve the problem only mask it. I am tired of therapists that give shooty advice because they only know what they learned from a text book. Every therapist I have been to has given me the same advice like thought stopping... honeslty if I could do that I serioulsy don't think I would even have a problem and how do you stop a thought from occuring when thoughts travel faster than the speed of light?

The reason why I am looking for somebody that has conquered pure ocd is because they have the skills and could teach me the skills to overcome it. They had it, suffered, got the skills to recover and now ocd free. For example if I want to learn how to play basketball I would rather go to someone that knows how to play the game well, rather than go to someone that has read in a book how to play basketball.

So if there is anybody out that has conquered pure ocd please help me! I know I can overcome it, I just need to find the right person to guide me in the right direction.

Re: WANTED: Looking for a person that has conquered pure ocd

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:21 am
by CJS67
No, I haven't conquered ocd. But it has improved alot. I still get episodes now and then. When have more than things started at home or family issues. Or work stresses me out. But maybe you should get a pet. And make sure you have lots of light in your house. I painted my walls light color. Because I think lights colors are more cheerful. And I have more windows in my house. Then I had in my efficeny apartment that I lived in before. I noticed shortly after I moved into my house and got a pet. Things started to change. But I don't think you ever get over ocd. My parents have ocd, anxiety, etc. But there older now and don't seem to recognize there problems. And that's why I have problems. But I'm working on turning my life around. And hopefully I can help my family.

Re: WANTED: Looking for a person that has conquered pure ocd

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:48 pm
by Krystie75
Try thinking your thought and then replace it with a different thought that you like better. Like if you are thinking I need to eat a cookie. Think that thought and then think I need to drink a glass of water. What really helps me is asking God to give me peace of mind if I am overly obsessing about something I say to God I know it is in your hands and you meet all my needs. I trust you to take care of my problem I leave it in your hands. Thank you for always being there when I need you. And then I trust that God will take care of it and he always does.

It really helps me if I say to myself. I am of a sound mind. I never obsess over anything. I say this to myself all the time. Even if i feel it is not true. When you constantly say it you train your subconsious mind and eventually it starts to become true. Say it evertime you feel obsessive and just keep saying it over and over until if feels like it could be true. Even when it feels true keep saying it.

Re: WANTED: Looking for a person that has conquered pure ocd

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 8:04 am
by 1mak
I certainly understand your feelings. I find that what I believe is referred to as an amino acid (l theanine) is a great help. It helped me sleep at night as well. I would go to bed and not be able to turn off the thoughts. Even if I slept, I was not rested. Taking that suppliment and using relaxation skills should did help me, it was my magic bullet. Good diet habits and exercise as well keep me in line. Accepting the feelings and "facing them" as well helps me. Once I look them in the eye, I win and the anxiety goes away. Cheerful days ahead and God bless.

Re: WANTED: Looking for a person that has conquered pure ocd

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:43 am
by NeverQuit
You can do this! Underneath all the OCD is just anxiety-causing thoughts. I notice that when I am feeling stressed about something in my life, whether it's school or a relationship decision that I think is too hard for me to make, I started to OCD as in checking doors more than once, worrying about silly things, etc. When you get to the Obsessive Thinking tape, you will learn some good skills for combating these obsessive thoughts. Don't entertain is a huge part of it! You have to tell yourself that this is an irrational thought, and what is REALLY bothering me? What can I do to take care of the REAL issue now? If there isn't anything, pray, and God WILL give you clarity. Keep speaking POSITIVE DIALOGUE to yourself! Even if you don't believe it!! It really does begin to catch on. Don't entertain, just speak positive. THe thing with our obsessive thoughts is that ultimately, we have NO ANSWER at that time. And that's okay! Just float and speak positive, calming, soothing things to yourself. Try as hard as you can to be productive and change your focus after speaking the positive dialogue to yourself. I have seen a huge reduction in my OCD by practicing these skills.