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Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:14 pm
by NinjaFrodo
I have posted many threads about acceptance over the years but it has really taken me 6 years to truely get it. I understood how shoulding didn't really help and neither does beating oneself up but I did not know what else to do instead. I'm not sure what it was that triggered this insight but what i realized is that I was not being realistic when it came to my limitations.

Humans are all given diffrent strengths and weaknesses and we make progress based on these. It isn't realistic to judge our progress based on the capabilities of other people and well for myself anyways, when i was trying to get rid of old negative habits for good positive ones I was not taking into account my limitations. What David D Burns says in his book feeling good is that when we do things habitually it is more likely that we stick to that habit instead of changing it. Meaning you are going to have many days and times where you do the thing you are trying to stop doing and there is no shame in that. There is no reason to beat ourselves up for following through with a negative habit, it is human nature and what are we? We're human!

This realization has helped me out greatly when it comes to replacing thoughts on paper. More specifically it helps me replace those shoulds, musts, have tos and outtas. What i do is;

-I will remind myself that this has been a habit for me and that there will be many times I slip up or do the thing i don't want to do and thats alright.

-I can still live with the results after doing whatever it is and its going to take time to break this habit. Slowly I will break this habit

-instead of beating myself up for not fulfilling the whole goal, I will focus on the times when i was triumphant and did make progress to change it.

And let me tell you it is such a huge relief especially when it comes to my top shoulds which are "I should get to bed early", "I shouldn't spend so much time on the comp/videogames", "I should rest more". I'm also feeling more hopeful now and believe it or not i'm actually more excited about changing these habits and am making more progress. Instead of going to bed at 4am i am going to sleep at 2am and this wasn't even anything i planned to do, I just feel more at ease and less afraid. Today I was actually excited about using the relaxation cd and that says alot because i would resist it like the plague. There was a period where i followed through with doing it 3X a day for 4 months and still it did not become a habit because i kept shoulding on myself and kept resisting it in my mind, I ended up stopping it after that time period. I hated it to be honest. The videogame one, well i'm still working on it.

If you are like me you might be thinking "if I stop beating myself up, won't i just stop taking action to change this habit?" Well I thought like this for a very long time but you know what, stopping beating yourself up does not take away your desires to better yourself and to reach goals because what starts to happen is you start to dream of the rewards as opposed to the consequences of not following through with the more positive change.

The best way to really see if what i am saying about this is true is to try it out yourself and then post here and let us know how it went for you. :) I really hope this thread reaches the people that truely need it. You all deserve to have joyous and exciting lives!


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 1:39 pm
by Guest
Very well said! :)
If you are like me you might be thinking "if I stop beating myself up, won't i just stop taking action to change this habit?" Well I thought like this for a very long time but you know what, stopping beating yourself up does not take away your desires to better yourself and to reach goals because what starts to happen is you start to dream of the rewards as opposed to the consequences of not following through with the more positive change.
I agree! I have done this for a long time, beating myself up expecting myself to change it. It did not work for me, also lays down guilt, and more anxiety, and I think being kinder and more compasionate for myself made me be more creative and excited to want to look at things differently. Good stuff!
Thanks for sharing such good insight! :)
-instead of beating myself up for not fulfilling the whole goal, I will focus on the times when i was triumphant and did make progress to change it.
Very GOOD! I'm so glad for you too on getting more comfortable with your sleep. Nice!

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:07 am
by Guest
Your welcome and i'm glad someone read this post. I know its not reasonable to expect everybody who has read this to post but it's reassuring if at least one person posts. Thank you.


Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:46 pm
by Guest
I'm glad I read it!
Im not sure what happens to everyone, seams like the 1-6 there are lots of post, but as you go through the program less and less things posted. Maybe everyone quits checking in. I wish they would continue as it seams like my thoughts have changed so much from the first time I posted something.
I looked at 12, and nothing there only 2009!?
I think when I started the program, I thought whats this and that. As I went through the sessions I come to understand what this is and that. But I think I need to practice, and this fourm is a good place to do that. Only wish more people would go through the sessions posting.
I think that is why I like your post, you talk about things that are in the lesson, and you use your own experiances. We are always learning, thats good! ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 18, 2010 1:37 pm
by Guest
Heya, Mike! Howdy do? Well, i just wanted to say that I feel u have made tremendous progress on relaxation and self-talk. Keep up the good work, and I believe that you are a good example of someone who is about to be cured. i love ur choices of positive thinking to make urself feel better. One thing I continue to remind myself is that a.) I have Asperger's, so there are going to be times when I screw up on things, like things i might say or do, but its OK.. yes, this disorder is actually what prolly brought on much of my anxiety. but im workin on it and hope to see progress like what u made :)
take care of urself,

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:09 am
by Guest
Ya i usually only post between 1-4. I think alot of people give up because it is really hard. Despite the lesson on expectations they probabbly should alot of things on this program to the point that they just see it as too overwhelming and stop. I've also noticed that posts are rare for anything over lesson 10.

The stuff in the program is very ingraned in my head as i've thought alot about it and have gone through the program many times within 6 years that whenever i get insights I immediately think about how that fits with what lesson. It comes in pretty handy i guess not just for me :) I also like to link together other information from diffrent cbt books and programs.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:25 am
by Guest
Thank you Rob I appreciate the post. Yes i guess you could say i have made lots of progress with the relaxation and self-talk. I have come along way and I still have some more progress that i need to make. I think i've actually fallen back on the relaxation but i have improved greatly with the self-talk and i have another insight i have to share which i will do after this post. I think i've been in that situation with being almost cured (as you put) for a little while and its intresting because I was a little concerned that people would just see that and think oh he has been doing the program for 6 years and still he is not recovered...this program surely doesn't work then. Instead however it seems to be more motivating as people see my drive and determination and how I don't give up. Its pretty cool.

Its good to know your limitations and to understand why you do some things that you do and this might not be the case but try not to get too hooked on diagnosises. Like Lucinda said in one of the tapes, one of the psychiatrists she talked to said they don't believe in things like ADD and that it is just how people respond and handle stress. I'm a believer with that to. You may not share this opinion but I find diagnosises can just make things sound like there is nothing you can do about it. Its a label somewhat like bad or worthless and labels can make us feel like we can't do anything to change, like it is out of our control. I don't care what a doctor says, you can overcome anything! I've seen it even in situations that doctors have said is not possible.

I am very happy that you have realized your limitations though as this is a very big part to relaxing and accepting who you are and then it will be a tremendous ammount easier to change. I am sure you will do very very well and I'll do my best to keep being inspirational to you guys :)


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 4:36 am
by Guest
As for that insight...

I have found that knowing your limitations is key to accepting yourself and accepting what its really going to take in order to change things. Sometimes the act of accepting this can lead to change but with other things you may need a little more in order to take some action.

For anybody who has read Tony Robbins's stuff he talks about motivation through pleasure and pain. He says we are motivated to keep us away from pain and the bring us closer to pleasure. In the past i have done lots of trying to motivate through pain and I have done alot of things but i have overwhelmed and stressed myself out alot with the pain and I just thought of motivating myself through pleasure last night while i was replacing thoughts on paper about my sleep.

See when you accept that you have a bad habit and what is bound to happen with habits (that you will continue them until it is changed and that you will probabbly slip up many times) then you may start to shift towards that change because its what your body wants at least whne it comes to sleeping i find. What helps even more is when you say something like my body likes this because.... that will get you imagining about already attaining the goal. This gets the excitement going and you might even possibly be like ok I gatta go do it now! I'm starting to feel that way. Give that a try and see how that works for you.

my example for the body likes sleep because it feels so good and it helps restore cognitive functioning. (I have also wrote that as an affirmation in my workout journal which i'll post about in another thread)

I really wish there was a subscribe button on this thing kind of like there is on youtube,


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:41 pm
by Guest
I've read a lot of your posts over the last few months. You have great insight based on experience! Thanks for sharing. You've helped a lot of people.


Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:01 pm
by Guest
Thank you JJ. I do try my best to help as many people as i can. I think that is the purpose of my life.
