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Re: What's the difference between magical thinking and belie

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:39 pm
by peeppeep
i feel like believing something exists is not problematic, however, expecting things is. prayer as i understand it shouldn't come with expectations. possibly requests but the deity provides as he/she/whatever sees fit. however with magical thinking, wishes are granted, etc. also, perhaps becoming so engrossed in magical thought that reality takes a backseat is the problem. many are engrossed in religion but it does not negatively affect their perception of reality.
not sure if this makes any sense at all, cold medicine makes creating complete thoughts a bit of a challenge :shock:

also, i very much agree with NinjaFrodo. believing in magical thinking is sort of lying to yourself, denying your logic

Re: What's the difference between magical thinking and belie

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:42 pm
by Paisleegreen
When I pray, I expect answers. There is either a "No", " Not right now", or "Yes". Faith precedes the Miracle.

Re: What's the difference between magical thinking and belie

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:51 pm
by HopefulDreams
I'm a religion teacher and have battled lately with the magical thinking and God concept. I think magical thinking is when someone things that other people have power over you.. They can do you harm, it's their fault you have this condition, etc You are giving them power that they don't have. I went my whole life feeling that specific people in my surroundings have wished my wrong and that's why I have this condition. But really... those people are just really annoying. (I'm still working on fully understanding and accepting that they have no power).

About God... I tell the children that He lives in each of our hearts every time they ask how far away is heaven. So everything they focus on their heart beat or their breathing they know God is present. He doesn't have to be found in a church only, but in the people we face everyday and in that person in the mirror. (we are created in His image) God isn't so much magical thinking as an answer to our prayer of peace and comfort. I've noticed that when I do something to hurt my neighbor or myself .. I find myself away from He that brings peace.. and Here I am today slowly recovering but needing Jesus in my life ... I loev the prayer "Footprints"... When the troubles were the hardest, that was when he carries us. I find it comforting.. and if its only for that little brief moment of comfort I will take it

Re: What's the difference between magical thinking and belie

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:01 pm
by nice gal
I consider myself to be a follower of Jesus and someone who has a relationship with God, but I have to admit that there have been times in my life when I have mixed my faith with "majical" thoughts of who God is and how He works. I believe that it is easy for people to confuse the topic of faith with fantasy because they both deal with the unseen aspects of life. Faith for me is believing in a real God and believing in the reality of His truth (the Bible). Fantasy is the belief in something that is fictious or make-believe (not real). As a Christian I have found that I have had a lot of unrealistic or fictious ideas about who God is and how He works in my life. For example, I used to think that if I lived a life that was pleasing to God by praying, going to church each week, and reading my Bible that He would somehow reward me with a good life here on earth. Since that time life has dealt me some hard blows and has challenged my fictious beliefs in God. I realize now that God does not promise anyone (including Christians) an easy life void of struggles, but He does promise to be with us on our journey and to help us to overcome obstacles.

Re: What's the difference between magical thinking and belie

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 12:57 pm
by maryelizabeth
God is real and He loves you. Sometimes when we go through things such as anxiety and panic attacks it upsets us that God would allow for it to happen. How can someone so great and powerful allow this to keep happening to me? Then you become resentful....Ok God if you keep letting this happen to me i'm not going to believe in you. To the point where you become so resentful and you see God as a punisher instead of Who He is and His real character. He is love. I always doubted too. I somewhat believed but I wavered tremendously. I wondered well my dad is a minister so are my uncles aunts etc etc...i've grown up in Church went to countless campmeetings even traveling with my family by car from Oklahoma to Montana etc..I've seen people touched and healed by God and heard countless testimonies on what God has done for them and how they could feel His presence....then I thought..why haven't you spoke to me God. Why haven't you touched me? Why have I never felt that still small voice? On my knees in frustration I cried out why?? Why are you allowing this disorder to come upon me again? Why am I suffering why do you want me to suffer! In tears of hurt and frustration and feeling betrayed by God....for the first time I heard Him. He said "I'm not punishing you i'm preparing you." All it took was that one time for Him to speak to me..just once. It's so overwhelming that when He does speak to you or touch you , you can't deny it. You can't help but believe it. Jesus suffered for us. Lucinda suffered. Because of Jesus' obedience and suffering (undeserved) for us, look what is now available to us for us to help us to comfort us! Lucinda suffered for 20 years with anxiety and panic and depression. She suffered and God blessed her with the ability to help thousands of others. What if Lucinda never went through this? What program would you be doing or what medication would you be on? Our current sufferings are nothing compared to what God has in store for us. I just really feel like I needed to tell you that. The awesome thing about God is that whether you believe in Him or not He still loves you. You are precious to Him. He's not a punisher he is a healer. You know sometimes how you have to break a bone to fix it? Sometimes thats what He does to us. I'd rather be broken by God who will rebuild me in such a strong way that i've never been built before than to just be broken. I'll keep you in my prayer. I have faith that God will touch you in such a way that you can't deny or claim coincidence. God bless you and keep you in peace.