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Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 12:34 pm
by Panic Attack Lance
Hi all! I've been suffering from anxiety and frequent panic attacks for almost a year now. I didn't know this until about 4 months ago when it got really bad!!!! I've been reading Lucinda's book From Panic to Power and I find it a very nice read. It would be great to be able to connect with people that have the same, I don't want to say disorder but those moments. Do any of you feel like you are choking during a major attack? Anyway Panic Attack Lance was all I could come up with since my name has already been taken! I look forward to hearing from anyone here

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 1:58 pm
by Guest
Hi. I am new here as well. I had always been a negative thinker until I heard of this program on the radio one day. It was just after I had been in the hospital for 5 days, over panic attacks. I don't want to go through that again. So, if there is any way to treat this, it sounds like this is a solution.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 2:36 pm
by Guest
Hey loveless,

Thank you so much for noticing a new sufferer here. I haven't been hospitalized for this, still I have had some bad episodes that I had to keep back, thoughts of dying, choking, fear and doom. I visited a freind in WA state a few years back. She was having this same problem, I thought she had some severe mental issues. Well the last time I talked with her I apologized because I understand. Message me or email me, I want to get to the bottom of these issues, and again ty for responding

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:07 pm
by Guest
Hi. I've been on the program for about a week now. I started with panic attacks about 3 years ago and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. I had pretty much every "classic" symptom of panic that you can think of. I had problems eating, thought I was choking. I had problems sleeping, heart palpatations, diarrhea, you name it I've had it. After about 6 months, I went back to work and the symptoms disappeared until 2 1/2 months ago. The good news is there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I am almost all the way thru the Panic to Power book and am enjoying it so much I also bought Lucinda's book Life Without Limits.

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 3:36 pm
by Guest
Becky1, can you recommend the best way I could order Lucinda's Books - Panic to Power and Life Without Limits? I have a special credit card and am ready to try it. Thanks, Becky... Seadog

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 6:06 pm
by Guest
yes, choking sensation can come with panic attacks. You will find much support here. Are you going to do the program? I highly recommend it. It has helped me so much.

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2008 5:27 pm
by Boon

Saw your post. Just wanted to saw that this is my second time through the program. When I was 20 (8 years ago) I had severe anxiety/agoraphobia and panic disorder. I suffered with it for several months (almost a year as well) before I got the program. I went to all the therapists/doctors/tried meds/read the name it. I didn't know what to do. For a short period of that time I was so bad I couldn't even walk outside of my house. I went through the program and totally recovered. I never thought, especially during that time that I could ever get to a point where it didn't even cross my mind anymore, and I was actually living a "normal" life. I just wanted to encourage you in that. I am now going through the program a second time because of very stressful events in my life that I believe has brought it on again. I had a few panic attacks and started feeling anxious every day again. It is tough now, no where near as bad as that first time...but I know that this program does work, and can be done. Some of the practice may be uncomfortable, but if you DEVOTE yourself to this program and making getting better your top priority, it can be done. It ticked me off the last time because I had tried all those other avenues before I got this program. I think if I had gotten this program in the very beginning, I would have gotten better a lot faster. This time, I knew exactly what to do! :) Anyway. Be blessed and keep at it.

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:46 pm
by Guest
I have read both of Lucinda's books. I know I will be readin Life without limits multiple was amazing. I got both of the books on

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:02 am
by Guest
Lucinda's books were amazing but the program is helping me more than anything. I am right with you lance. THe choking feeling is one of the worst. I have the throat feeling like choking and something is stuck daily and wish I could figure out how to get rid of it, I know it is only anxiety but doesn't seem to go away. Heart palpitations are anothe rthing that happens at least daily that scares me a lot. Most of my attacks consits of dizziness, flight syndrome, have to rush home or if I am home to my bed! I often have bewilderment and can't get rid of it, panic more thinking I am loosing control. THe last three weeks I am devoting myself to this program and have seen a major change in my motivation to want to get better. THe only thing I can't get over is the anticipation, WHAT IF thinking is out of control for me, I really dislike my mind taking over.
I will stick to it and have faith it seems that a lot of people need to run through the program more than once, so I am willing to do anything to not be stuck on the couch anymore