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Constant physical symptoms

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:03 pm
by roses12127
Hi everyone,
I got into a cycle that is hard to break. I had some work related anxiety which is now over, but that scary panic feeling (heaviness in my chest mostly) seems to stay with me 24/7 and it's because I obsess about it. I am a bit of a hypochondriac which doesn't help--I think about what this is doing to my body. I don't have a reason to be stressed--it's more like I have anxiety about anxiety. I seem to not be able to think about anything else. It doesn't make a lot of sense because if I could just let it go, I would be fine. I try to do deep breathing, but focus on breathing is tricky because it's like "why doesn't this work?" I am impatient. Does anyone else have constant physical symptoms? Or just anxiety about anxiety? Tips for overcoming the obsessive thinking cycle?

Re: Constant physical symptoms

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:41 pm
by Chuck Striler
Hi Roses, what are you obsessing about? Heaviness of the chest? Why? It's just heaviness. That's what you have to remember, it's "just". Make things smaller, not bigger, it isn't anything till it's something now let it go.
That's how I got rid of my obsessive thinking, realizing that I was carrying my thoughts out so far that there was no way that what I was obsessing about could ever happen. I carried it to the extreme.

Hope this helps.

Re: Constant physical symptoms

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:46 am
by randy c.
Roses, I have generalized anxiety but it started when I started obsessing about my health. Any little pain or cough and I was worried about what disease I had.I would get so worked up my symptoms would last for days or weeks even. I finally got this program and started to understand my condition. Exercise and journaling has been a big help for me.Busy yourself with something to break the obsessive thoughts. hope this helps. ;)

Re: Constant physical symptoms

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:34 am
by kimbo242
Hi Rose -

The relaxation CD has helped me a lot. I actually having it playing in the background as much as I can - just listening to the positive words and internalizing them has done wonders. Also, as much as I can-I do the muscle tension exercises, breathing and visualization. Then I start to think - am I relaxing too much. :) But then, I say to myself, forget about it - just relax.

The flash cards-I carry with me and meditate on them whenever I start to obsess. Exercise, cutting back on caffeine/sugar is helping.

It is a marathon - ups and downs for sure.

All my best,
