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Worrying that you haven't absorbed enough from the session?

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:47 pm
by LizzieM
Hi... well, this is my first post here.. so I was just curious if anyone else has ever worried that perhaps they haven't absorbed enough of a lesson before moving on from it? This is my third time going through the program - I didn't finish the first two times, and although I have no doubt whatsoever that I'll finish this time, I think out of nervousness from past experiences with it, I'm obsessing about doing it perfectly.

The first two sessions I've done several times in the past, so I felt comfortable at first not spending a whole week each on them. I can literally just about quote everything Lucinda and people in the groups say in the audio sessions, and I know the guidebook as well, but just the same, when I got done with Session 3 last week, I got really nervous all of a sudden about going on to 4. I started to panic that maybe I should have given 1 & 2 a full week each, and what if because I didn't, I didn't take enough in from them and that just causes me to mess up later somehow, and just basically ruin the whole thing.

I know intellectually that it's a silly thing to worry about... I have it down pretty well, especially the six steps, I have those totally memorized - and I had a great week with Session 3, but for some reason I just feel strange about moving on.

I've also had a lot of trouble doing the relaxation session, and admittedly don't do it everyday. I get frustrated with it, because it's hard for me to relax and concentrate. So that's another reason why I'm worried, because even though I know in the program it says it'll take time to get used to doing it... I would suppose by week 4, you should have it down pretty well? And here I am still struggling to do it even once a day. So I'm just not sure what to do, I don't want to start all over, because I know I just need to trust myself with it, and just try to replace those negative "what-if" thoughts the best I can in the meantime - but yeah, I was just curious if this a normal way to feel.

Re: Worrying that you haven't absorbed enough from the sessi

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:24 pm
by randy c.
Lizzy, I think its normal to feel that way when your first starting out. Thats the way I felt,Iwas worried I wouldnt follow everything to the letter and sabotage my recovery. But thats not how it works, if you feel like you missed something you can always go back and review thats what is great about owning the program.Her is something that helped me,sneak a peak at your action assignment early in week (just the action assignment) it gives you more time to work on them and you dont feel so pressured. Stop by the mini-chat tonight around 10 pm est. and chat with good folks and share your story. Hope this helps a little.... ;)

Re: Worrying that you haven't absorbed enough from the sessi

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 9:44 pm
by LizzieM
Hi Randy, thank you for the reply!
I did actually end up giving it a few more days to review first, and that helped tremendously. I'll take your advice with giving the action assignments a peek a few days ahead of time in future, that sounds like a good idea.

Luckily, after I reviewed for a few days, I went on to Session 4 and have done great with it. I ended up laughing at myself, because week 4 is all about perfectionism and expectations - and that was the exact reason why I was having so much anxiety about moving on. If I had just went on and learned that, I would have been fine! :lol: The lesson I was avoiding was the exact lesson I needed. But oh well, reviewing is always useful, so I'll just keep laughing about it and move on.

Re: Worrying that you haven't absorbed enough from the sessi

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:30 pm
by randy c.
Lizzy, sounds like your moving right along thats great. I know your feeling better and starting to understand this whole anxiety thing a little better but whatever you do dont quit. After I completed lesson 4 I quit because I felt so good I thought I was cured but after a while that ol anxiety came sneaking back in so I started all over.So im glad your proceeding and remember to write in your journal and think positive.