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Negative thoughts all day

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:54 pm
by mtassinari
Hey I am wondering if there is a point when most people transfer from replacing negative thoughts in writing to replacing negative thoughts in their head? Also, I often find myself scrawling out elaborate negative thoughts ( I try to be as detailed as I can) and then writing out lengthy positive replacements. Does anyone else do this? I want to try and get as much on paper as I can but sometimes I think I try too hard and it becomes more stressful and exhausting.

Re: Negative thoughts all day

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:48 pm
by dozerandsimba
i wonder the same thing. I have constant negative thoughts all day also. theres now way I could write them down bevuase that's all I would be doing al the day so I try replacing them in my head with positives and just pray that it will lessen day by day and postitives will start to take over. do you ever feel good and still have the thought of anxiety constantly/

Re: Negative thoughts all day

Posted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 11:45 am
by coachjanine
Hello. This is Coach Janine. You need to shorten those negative thoughts into less detailed, simpler phrases. All of the details are not so important. This takes practice. Also If there are too many negative thoughts to write, then it will be difficult to learn the skill of getting into between your thoughts. Writing these thoughts down is how you learn to get a hold of them. We can coach you and teach you how to do this if you need help.

Re: Negative thoughts all day

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 7:26 pm
by mtassinari
Okay thanks Janine I will try and condense my negative thoughts into shorter simpler versions, I am seeing now that this will really take some time and practice, I might give a call if I feel I am having trouble. And dozer I do sometimes have anxiety even when I am feeling pretty good, like a stream of negative and/or obsessive thoughts that just kind of plays in the background, I don't know if this will ever go away completely for me.

Re: Negative thoughts all day

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 8:59 pm
by mtassinari
I have tried shortening the negative thoughts when I write them down and it has helped force me to be more focused on what is bothering me. But sometimes I feel like my anxiety/depression is causing the negative thoughts, rather than the other way around. I replace a negative thought with a positive replacement in my notepad and it helps me reassure myself, but sometimes as soon as I put the pad of paper away, the negative feelings start to creep in. Does anyone else ever feel like this?