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Exercise- A must not an option

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:20 pm
by connielyn
I can't stress enough how important exercise has been for me. Not only does it get me out among people which is goos for my anxiety I like to be around people I hate being by myself. But it helps make me feel better. The anxiety that builds exercise will release. I consider exercise a must in my life. It helps destress me and as I said takes the anxiety and works it out of my body. At first I had to push myself to do it but now i see how it helps and I need to do it. So if you suffer from anxiety get out and exerise you will feel better!!!!!

Re: Exercise- A must not an option

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:25 pm
by connielyn
Sorry meant to post this in general posts. Oh well I'm not perfect and don't need to be ( my positive self talk instead of beating myself up because I goofed)

Re: Exercise- A must not an option

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:20 pm
by NeverQuit
Exercise is so key! It's great for you to remind everyone! I know that when I am depressed or blue, it helps me so much to get out and exercise, especially in the sun, than to sit around feeling sorry for myself. As hard as it can be to get out there, the benefits are amazing. Definitely helps to get the positive thoughts going! :)

Re: Exercise- A must not an option

Posted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:49 pm
by Stephaniej
I agree..Excercise is a MUST for me. I jog or walk in the mornings when I feel most anxious and sometimes at the end of the day too. I feel like I'm chasing the anxiety away. Its a huge release.