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Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 9:40 pm
by dms2013
This post is a little bit lengthy but I think it would be a nice read and beneficial to anyone in Session 3. If you'd like to reply (any thoughts, comments, suggestions, your own account, etc.), please do! I would love to hear what you have to say :) .
I started Session 3 a couple days ago and I have to say that I'm feeling more hopeful than I ever have before. Not to say it hasn't been difficult these past few days, physically and emotionally. I'm a college student right now, so it's been difficult for me to whip out my notebook and write down these negative thoughts in the middle of class because I really don't want people to see what's written in there, which I believe is a normal fear since we all know what ridiculous/irrational thoughts we have sometimes. But since I have plenty of other time during the day, I can capture negative thoughts in their tracks then, so in class I don't let myself feel guilty or helpless.
There have also been some emotional ups and downs. Sometimes I'll find myself in such a bad mood and instead of substituting a positive thought, I'll beat myself up with "I cant's", get anxious, and start thinking I won't get better, this is too much for me, and I'll never be able to think positive on a consistent basis. But eventually, I calm myself down and remind myself that this is going to be a long journey in cultivating positivity, so slow down, get comfortable, make it enjoyable, and let these feelings pass (they're going to eventually anyways, mine as well be now!) I'm teaching myself to have short-term memory with bad episodes and to remember the good ones.
It's also so reassuring when I stop to remind myself where I'm at today, which is a much more improved version of myself than I have been in years, or even last week. Before starting Session 3, did anyone here ever calm their anxiety and/or lighten up their depression all by themselves? I know for sure I didn't. I always had to run out of class. I always had to make excuses and leave early from even the most simplest conversations. I would always have to run to the bathroom (I also suffered from IBS.) I always ran from or to something or somewhere to be able to feel safe or relaxed. So even if it is a couple times a day, whenever I subtly take control of my thoughts and win a battle against my anxiety/depression, I always try to immediately realize what I've done and praise myself for what I've done. Nothing feels warmer and more comforting than hearing my self-talk whisper words of encouragement and love in a soothing, empowering manner.
I've far from perfected the skills in this program, so I don't want it to seem like I've already gotten this thing down pat, and I certainly hope I'm not coming off as a know-it-all. I'm just really excited to finally find something that I really think is going to solve these problems once and for all. What this program teaches in this program is truly amazing, but this session has been such a blessing for me, now knowing that I can positively reinforce myself and eventually feel better. If it hasn't worked for anyone yet reading this, do NOT give up. You'll get there eventually and when you do, you will be so, so grateful that you hung in there. Pat yourself on the back. We won't accept anxiety and depression in our lives; we proved that in purchasing this program and working this hard, this far to overcome it.
Remember what the Buddha said: "You yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."

Re: Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:44 am
by asammy
I can relate to this completely. I'm a senior in college and have been struggling with anxiety for the past couple years. I kept thinking of it as a condition I had no control over, would get really scared, and just wait for it to be hopefully be over. This program has been a blessing to me as I realized it was ME creating this! It wasn't something happening to me, but something I created by negative thinking and catastrophizing and people pleasing (my biggest challenge). I agree with you that it has helped me enormously; before this program I would have an anxiety attack, get panicky, and not know what to do. Since I got this program, I have maybe had one anxiety attack since. It is such good news that WE can control how we feel simply by being more compassionate with ourselves!I hope this program continues to help and grow you!

Re: Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 10:26 pm
by perspectivegirl
dms and sammy, I can completely relate to both of you! I'm a junior in college and I find it pretty difficult to stop and take out my notebook to write my negative thoughts. I have to reach down and take it out of my bag which of course requires people looking, then take the time to write the entire negative thought (and of course I create more from thinking about it) and positive opposites for all of them, then I start worrying that I missed important parts of class. Section 3 has really helped me start to calm myself down after I realize I'm feeling panicky. Since starting the program three weeks ago, I can easily say I've only had maybe 1 or 2 full on panic attacks- which is a miracle. I've already realized I start to get worse, like more spacey and anxious and overall just weird feeling toward the evening time, and during the day I'm usually fine. Anyone else feel the same way?

Re: Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 9:22 pm
by dms2013
Thanks so much for responding you two, it really made me feel much better, especially coming from other college kids! And I know exactly what your saying perspectivegirl, I haven't had a full blown panic attack in a while but I still am suffering from generalized anxiety every so often throughout the day. I find that some of the techniques (or affirmations I tell myself) lose their effectiveness when trying to calm me down sometimes, but then I get creative and eventually find another one that works. Since I began this program, my anxiety has kind of shifted. What I mean is when I get really anxious now, I find myself thinking things like "What if I don't beat this? Can I beat this? blah, blah, blah." I just try and remember they're irrational and I can beat them if I don't give up.

Re: Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:28 am
by perspectivegirl
Ah I feel the same way! I get those same thoughts when my mind starts racing "what if I don't beat this?! What if this program doesn't work for me?!" blah blah blah. I get creative with my tactics too when I have to. To be honest, I'm up right mow because I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep no matter what I did. Eventually I just figured, "oh well, I'm pretty awake now so I might as well keep myself busy. Being awake sucks and is going to make me tired later, but it's not going to hurt me and I can control what thoughts enter my head." my positive thoughts are often lengthy. :P anyway, I figured what better place than our support group?

Re: Session 3 - What are your thoughts?

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:31 am
by perspectivegirl
Hope to see you guys I session 4 today/this week. :)