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This is my first time on here...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:47 am
by Tinamh424
this is the first time here for me. so i'm not sure exactly how to use this. but i do have to say that i've been doing this program for awhile now and it seems like its been helping. like today, i'm kinda excited to say that i pushed myself outside my "comfort zone" and i felt a little anxious but i did the changing breathing and positive thinking and i went and had a blast with no major problems :D which is a big, no HUGE step for me! :D not to say i don't still have issues but this is such a big step for me that i can't help being excited :)

Re: This is my first time on here...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:30 am
by yesican
This is my first time here. I have noticed that my anxiety feelings and negative thoghts have become stronger. Its like a battle resisting to get well. Is this normal, will it pass? Thanks, I'll appreciate your advise.


Re: This is my first time on here...

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 10:33 am
by Ruth_HW
It sounds like you are doing great, and from your post it sounds like you've got the positive thinking down. I am glad you shared because it gives me hope that i might be able to get over my problems. I applaude you! Great job and once again I know it may sound weird but thanks for giving me a little hope. :D

Re: This is my first time on here...

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 6:36 am
by Larardo


Re: This is my first time on here...

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:52 pm
by Tinamh424
to yesican, it passes. i have my bad days but i know excatly where your comin from. it will get better. just tell yourself that today it stops. and don't be too hard on yourself when you have down days. i've been struggling with anxiety for over a year and i promise this program helps. it just takes time and you have to be patient. its hard cuz you just wanna be done with it but if you keep going and keep your chin up you will have good days and they'll keep getting better. i used to hate being alone at my house and thats getting easier. we just have to have patience and believe in ourselves. also... you have to treat yourself the way you would treat a friend.. just like the program says. its hard, cuz we are our toughest critics but it will get better! chin up and remember to smile and take time outta your busy life to do the program :) best of luck to you! :D

Re: This is my first time on here...

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:57 pm
by Tinamh424
to Ruth_HW I'm glad i was able to give you hope! it's hard and takes work but we are all worth it! just remember that YOU are worth it! it gets better. just be patient with yourself and have faith! good luck! :)