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What to do?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:24 pm
by Ruth_HW
I Have just started this program, my husband bought it for me because I am always so down, and it makes him mad that I was going to doctors taking meds but still so depressed which I can understand sometimes I find it hard to live with myself. But as I am going through sesion 3 I am trying to use the positive self talk and I find the more I think about the Negatives, and how to change them into positives, I get stumped. I need some help, some encouragment, but I need to find it within myself, if anyone has helpful hints on how to do this I am more than willing to listen. But I am trying to stop blaming myself and trying to, well, love myself again and forgive myself, but I find that I usually end the day in tears, or sitting in my bathroom with my head down because I cant breathe and that I am failing, so I do need some helpful hints on how to encourage myself through this program.

Re: What to do?

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 4:33 am
by Tinamh424
try the breathing techniques and listen to the relaxation session. I've found that changing my breathing and concentrating on that helps me refocus and calm down enough to rethink. you can do it! i know you can! :) and i know its hard but i know you can get through this phase, I've just reached the point that I'm not freaking out every time something stressful happens and believe me... if its working for me it'll work for anyone. keep your chin up and just remember all it is is a thought. take a deep breath and let it out. find something you enjoy doing and take time to relax and most importantly remember to breathe! :)