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Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:21 am
by healthyrachel
I am happy to be back here; going thru the program again. I went thru it in 2004. I have fallen into a spot of negative and obsessive thoughts. I think its the stress of a bad relationship; work; school; young daughter. Its just caught up with me. I have created weird situations for myself socially in terms of my relationship with my boyfriend because of a bunch of drama in the past. And I just keep lingering on it. I hope to find a way to give myself peace and move forward. I am looking forward to taking this journey with everyone.

I am also going off a low dose of prozac; I have only been on it a couple weeks but I hate it!!! I feel horrible. I am driving myself crazy over it. The doc told it was safe to go off cold turkey since its such a short time but of course being anxious I am worried about that! amazing...

The joys of anxiety!


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:15 pm
by redsfan
Our situations seem very similar. I went through some of the program 5 years ago, started feeling better, and stopped. Always seemed to have low to moderate anxiety in situations but always got through them quickly and never looked back. Recently it has crepped back into my head and the obsessive thoughts and fears of never getting out have come back. I too have had a lot of changes in the past 5 years. New career, sales where i am meeting new people every day which creates anxiety, 19 month old daughter with another on the way, married for 3 years, and recently went on two vacations. I think the financial thoughts of the second child and the vacations set it off. I know it will go away eventually, but it is always easier said then done. Vacations have always created anxiety because it seems hard for me to slow down. When i dont have legit worries, ie money - job etc, then i obsess about unrealistice worries. Anyways back on the program again, going to go through the whole 15 weeks this time. Going to meet with my physician about uping my meds, and looking to see a counsler. Just wanted to reach out and let you know someone else similar to you is out there.


Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:32 pm
by healthyrachel
You have a lot on your plate but it sounds like you are doing very well. You are blessed with two little ones :) They are a handful but you are not alone. I am really struggling w/ an unhappy relationship but I continue down the same path and not making any steps to change. I can only blame myself.

You know what really bugs me about myself. I am so wishywashy. I never make decisions. I always bend over backwards helping others and being nice. Why can't I own it for once? I am not a medication person. I am nervous about stopping but I have to; I hate it. I haven't gotten my program in; I purchased a new one. But I already know I need to start at week 3. :)

Thanks for your message. I hope you were able to enjoy your vacas a little :) New babies are a lot of work and stress but things will work out. They always do...


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:38 pm
by garyhermesch52
Hi Rachel,
Just thought I'd toss out some feedback for whatever it might be worth. I feel pretty fortunate that I'm
not working right now or I don't think I'd have the time or energy to get hardly anything out of the program.
Either that or the schedule would have to be more like one session per month or something. I wasn't working the
first time I went through it either and still obviously struggled for it to really sink in and get it. I think it's an indication
of how consumed and preoccupied I've been with the negative, catastrophizing thoughts. And they're not even true.
I'm thinking it might be better to have a little bit of a crisis going on to get something of a sense of urgency
to get after it and get this thing licked. Every time I have a negative thought now like maybe I'll run out of money and
lose my house or something, I just start thinking I probably won't and even if I do I know I can deal with it. That's the
kind of thought that's really true. All of us can really deal with anything. I'm sure of it. As long as we're not sitting there
telling ourselves we can't. Anyway good luck with whatever you decide about the relationship and everything
else you've got going on in your life.
P.S. I'd put in a smiley face but I really don't even know how.


Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 7:52 pm
by kjw3186
I've struggled getting through this program but now I'm determined to do it. I'm on # 3 and it's very eye-opening. Problem is I can't write down every negative thought because that's all I'd be doing. I'm limiting it to ten or so a day