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Letting Go

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:10 am
by Tifinage
Hey guys,
Does anyone in the program have problems letting go of the past and dwelling on it obsessively? I make myself miserable obsessing about people who have wronged me and that leading to problems with my present. I cant seem to let these feelings go...its like pulling teeth for me its so difficult. I make myself so sad. I try replacing my negaative thoughts with a positive one but none seem to make me feel better. I obsess to the point where i am consumed. Anyone have this same porblem? Thanks for listening.


Re: Letting Go

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:02 pm
by Paisleegreen
Hi Tiffany, I think I posted to you about this elsewhere. Yes, I have problems letting go, but I'm working on it. My recent problems are the little irritations that two of my sort of young adult children say or do. I know that eventually as I work on positive self talk that I'll get better at not letting their comments or actions bother me. One solution is to have DS 20 move out...but I don't see that happening in the near future. My husband needs his help in our business too much. The same goes for my 30 year old DD. She has begun to help us with our business and she is a nervous wreck about it. She is easily agitated and snaps at me, but not at her Dad. She has him wrapped around her little finger. So I would have to say that these two people are the main ones that affect me daily.

Other people that have hurt my feelings in a big way, I'm getting pretty good at forgiving them and keeping them from affecting me. Because I don't have to see them nor interact with them, except for family reunions or by chance meetings. I am finding my relaxation CD to be very helpful in this area as well as prayer and reading inspirational books. Paislee

Re: Letting Go

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 3:00 pm
by Tifinage
Thanks for the reply,

i am having trouble with my psychiatrist misdiagnosing me. I had been going to a therapist for years and she thought i may be manic depressive and she told me to ask my psychiatrist(the one who prescribes the meds) anyway he didnt think i was. He thought i was a.d.d so i was put on a.d.d meds and they brought out full blown mania(so turns out i was manic)--i was beginning to date a guy at the time who i really liked and i completely scared him off because of the full blown mania i was saying awful things and was so clingy and i blame the doctor for thsi b/c if he would have correctly diagnosed me at the beginning this wouldnt have happened...its so sad.

on one hand my psychiatrist wasnt trying to misdiagnose me, but he did. i dont know what to do :(

Thanks for listening,


Re: Letting Go

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:34 pm
by Paisleegreen
I know what you mean, my Psychiatrist would have me go back to my OB/GYN to check out hormones. Just to have a discussion over HRT that didn't get me anywhere. Plus I don't have insurance right now so everything has been out of pocket. Also, I don't like my OBGYN's examining rooms, they use to be feminine/ and now they made it look like something from Italy, with a lot of spackling and staining in a room with no window. It just looks gross! Then the other room was all icky green. This was really traumatic when anxiety is way sky high. Even my blood pressure was up and the Nurse remarked about it.

Now I can say that I'm off of meds and at the dentist office my Blood Pressure was 114 over 70. Which is excellent for not being at a dental office for a couple years. The dental hygienist informed me that I hadn't had my teeth cleaned for 4 years. i had gone in for other work though. I had to think why didn't was because I had carpal tunnel surgery and was recovering and that surgery cost quite a bit. And then my dog was injured and became septic and I had to put him down two years ago. So getting my teeth clean wasn't on the top of my list. Dog Vet's like to be paid right away, and my dog had a stay just at his Vet place for 3 days, and prior to that an emergency animal hospital for day and night.

I hope things get better for you...and that you won't have to Dr chase. Paislee Thanks for hearing my story as well. ;)

Re: Letting Go

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:49 am
by Tifinage
you're welcome :)