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I'm stuck... very stuck.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:03 pm
by INH

I have just joined this website. I have decided to try out this program mostly because of my self-esteem ( also anxiety, anger..panic) But mostly self-esteem! I am in a spiral of negative thoughts towards myself. Self-image.. my intelligence.. my personality.. anything I can pick on.. I pick on and I am addicted to comparing myself to others. Anywhere I go. ( Especially classes) I choose one person who will be the one that is better than me in every way. This then turns into jelousy.. to sadness.. to feeling depressed. I have been seeing a counseller too. I just can't get out of this mess!! I am tired of being this jelouse person who is never happy with myself. I just want to be whoever I am jelouse of. :roll: It feels pretty good typing this out right now.

Thank you for reading!


Re: I'm stuck... very stuck.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:51 pm
by karmaka
Ya know what? Writing it all out is a great release! Thanks for sharing all of that. As you're going through the attacking anxiety program, it's going to talk a LOT about self-esteem and how it relates to anxiety, depression, etc. I think you'll find it really helpful.

A great thing to do for yourself...every time you have a negative thought about yourself, follow it with a positive one about yourself - a TRUE thing - something GOOD about you or something positive or good you've done. Keep practicing this... try to catch those negative thoughts, and replace them. The stuff you're feeling and thinking...all these bad things...these are things you've LEARNED over time. You're just others, by yourself, over time, to think like that, but it's NOT WHO YOU ARE! You have to "retrain" your mind - RE-LEARN positive things. It will take time. It's like someone training for a marathon. You're not goign to just wake up one day and run 26 miles! Ya know what I mean? You have to practice and keep practicing so you build up your stamina and muscles, etc., so you can complete that marathon. It DOES work, though, if you practice it daily. Your brain will actually start sending out new signals - better ones - and it'll help start ridding you of some of that anger, jealousy, and other emotions that are plaguing you.

You don't HAVE to be so hard on yourself. We're all human and we're all unique in our own ways. I bet if you dug into the lives of some of the people you've felt jealous of, you'd realize how "human" they are, too. Maybe they're not so perfect, either, ya know. You are not REQUIRED to be "perfect". Just be YOURSELF and allow yourelf to feel happy. There's no scorecard for life. :) It's okay to love yourself...

Re: I'm stuck... very stuck.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:51 am
by Nanner823
Karma you are wise. I hope to reach that point one day.

INH- I get where you are coming from. I even find myself being jealous of people who DONT have panic attacks, comparing myself to them and ME in the past. Jealous of the past me!? The me who had it all figured out and never feared fear, go figure.

Re: I'm stuck... very stuck.

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:01 am
by INH
Thank you Karma for your comment. I also hope I can reach that point one day.

Nanner, thank you for sharing.. it is nice to know I am not alone. I hate knowing that I CAN make a change for myself.. but I just keep falling back down easily, by letting other people stand at a higher level than me.. in my mind.