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Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:44 am
by Learning to move forward
I bought the program in October thinking I would start it right away. At any rate, I basically started again this year. New Year new life right!! I understand the stress I am under and I am grateful that I am still on my feet. Moving forward gets really difficult sometimes. My problem is I cannot seem to write down my negative thoughts. At times I think all of my thoughts are negative so I would just spend the entire day writing down everything I think. Prior to starting this program I have worked with affirmations and I've read Wayne Dyer's book Change your thoughts change your life. I've read the secret, I've practiced meditation, I've pasted positive affirmations all over my bedroom. I don't know. I can't seem to differentiate between having a thought or having a negative thought. I try really hard to pull myself up and I try not to think about what's not going well in my life but it's like a tape in my head going and going and going. At times I can make it stop. I've read Ekhart Tolle's book about living in the present and I try to "make things happen" in my life. But the sadness I know comes from my negative thinking and yet I have nothing to write down as a negative thought. Is there something I could do? I really don't know how to get through lesson 3.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:44 am
by Molly77
Hmm...well are the thoughts something that make you feel uplifted? If you think that it is a negative thought, write it down. Then if you aren't sure, maybe post a thought to someone on here and ask them what their perspective is. It is ok to get the testimony of others that will help you, when you are working on helping yourself.

I have alot of negative thoughts all day long but you don't have to catch them all to write down perfectly. If it gets too overwhelming to write as many as you have, just write SOME of them down every day as many as you are capable of doing. I get stuck at times when I think I have to do it all perfectly and not miss writing a negative thought down!

Lucinda says it takes TIME to get this type of thinking to change. Time and PATIENCE. As long as you try, even if it is only one or two negative thoughts that you get out on paper, find a positive counter for, a are TRYING!! Just be gentle with yourself. You can do this! I have days where I feel good most of the day, then I have difficult days. It doesn't mean it isn't working. I feel better sooner or later. You will too!

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:39 am
by Paisleegreen
Those are good answers, Molly! I haven't written my thoughts down, per se'. I think part of it is I'm not using the little notebook right now, although I have posted my thoughts on the forum. so that has helped. I really don't want my family members to find my little notebook right now.

But I did go through David Burns workbook last year and wrote down a lot of stuff that helped me. When I do realize I'm having a negative thought, then I counter it. It has just taken me time to realize that I was thinking a negative thought. :) P.

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:36 pm
by Learning to move forward
Thank you for your suggestions. I write down some. Just what I remember at the end of the day. I try to turn it around by remembering affirmations and trying to read affirmations everyday. Its a new day. I know I can lick this awful way of feeling if I continue to be persistent.

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 10:05 pm
by Lindsey27
I am having the same problem... I don't recognize negative thoughts and if and when I do I can't think of a positive replacement and then of course I wonder if I am even doing it right!

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:04 pm
by sfrench80
I agree that writing down your negative thoughts is hard. They seem to race into my head so quickly I can't put up a stop sign before another one creeps in. I try to do my 2-4 breathing and by the time I'm done I've forgotten what I was thinking so negatively about. This makes it hard for me to write down what I'm thinking. Once I finally get something written down I second guess if my positive statement is something that will really help or if I'm just trying to complete the assignment. Either way I'm trying and that is something that I haven't been able to say I've done in a long time. The anxiety seems to be dwindling so I know this program is helping me I just need to grasp this positive thinking so I can be a success story to say I have conquered this problem. I want to be better, so with patience and practice I''m hoping to make it a reality. I have a long journey of big changes coming up in my life and I want to be the one who can make the right choices when I get to a fork in the road.

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:34 am
by Ldybeth
Oh, I can't tell you how thankful I was to see that I'm not alone with the practice of using the notebook. I purchased one and carry it around but I find that at the end of the day it's much easier for me to write down negative thoughts that I had and then replace them with positive ones. I'm realzing that this probably isn't going to help as intended as the idea is to "nip" those thoughts at the time that you're having them and automatically replace them with a positive thought, which doesn't work once the thought has passed but I do use the stop sign visual, which helps greatly. I guess where my biggest problem is when is it okay to get frustrated?? I live with a partner who has a brain injury and also has a 15 year old part time that he needs help parenting and raising and there are many frustrating times that it seems crazy to try to replace with a positive thought. When is it okay to just be human and be frustrated without spiraling down, of course?? :? Beth

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:36 am
by leialoha3
I as well am having the same issues as everyone else . I thought it was just me. I wonder if my thoughts are negative and by the time i can get the chance to remember to write it down ,I either forget or talk myself out of it for the fear of reading how bad it looks to know I think this way.I dont know if I can do this. I want to ask for help and for someone to do this for me,but I know it starts with me. how do I do this? Kim

Re: Writing down my negative thoughts is difficult

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:30 am
by robgg
Hi It is great that we are at the same stage and can help each other along. I am having the same challenge regarding recognizing and writing down negative thoughts. We can make it work lets just start with a few and then I think we will get better at it and then the magic will start with positive messages. Hang in there Rob