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Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:00 am
This one some what baffles me a bit, I've had anxiety for 10 years however its only with in the past year I've also got depression.

It says in this session if your feeling depressed what where you just thinking. However this doesn't work for me as my depression comes on for no apparant reason. I could be out having a great time then all of a sudden this black cloud comes over me and I feel like crying for no reason.

How do you avoid this with positive self talk

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:02 am
by Guest
Hi Nirelandguy,

I am surprised that you had anxiety for 10 years and never had depression? Usually with anxiety come's depression. Both are a negative response. But it's true in the session that you mentioned if you're depressed WHAT WERE YOU JUST THINKING? Our thinking is sooo fast that we sometimes don't even know we ever thought of anything but we really did. If you are out having a great time and all of a sudden you start to cry (not unless you were peeling an onion) you would have no reason to cry. Maybe you saw something or heard something that reminded you of something ans your subconscious mind that would trigger it off.

Dona Dry

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:26 am
by Guest
Oh boy , I can really relate to how you feel. I will be doing fine then out of no where my face feels like it can't even begin to smile. I just get so sad and down. I hate the feeling. It really does seem like it comes from no where , but if I think back on how I felt right before this happens it seems like I am feeling anxious. I don't know if it brings on the depression or not . I really have to work hard to get this feeling to pass without taking a nerve pill. I just try to remind myself that it won't last forever and it doesn't. I just wanted you to know that your not alone. I have suffered on an off since I was 15 now I am 37. Medication and listening to the tapes has helped over the years but something like giving birth or a illness in the family brings back the panic attacks. I have to say this is the first time I have ever felt just depression. Please hang in and know your not alone.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:43 am
by Guest
I hope this thread will still be read! I´m suffering from anxiety since 8 years, and I also had bouts of depression, but that is long ago.
My husband lives and works in Switzerland (I´m German), so I´m a single Mum since 2 years. However, we will get divorced, and since I decided to quit, I have a hard time, the panic got much worse again, although I know this is the right step and my marriage was one source of my anxiety.
Okay, it´s probably normal to grieve for a broken marriage, wasting so much time for something that wasn´t worth the fight. Another reason why I´m depressed is my working situation: my co-worker dislikes me and puts me under pressure, critizises me often and never says anything nice to me. It´s subtle enough so that no-one else notices it but she makes me feel like crap every day. For several reasons I can´t get another job and I can´t change the situation. I pray that God will bring that change.
Recently I started to feel depressed again, besides the anxiety, which is bad enough, and I can´t handle that!
Feelings of being exhausted, irritated, the inability to feel joy, to laugh, not interst in things I liked to do, waves of desperation and senselessness. It´s like there is a pane of glass between me and the "normal feeling". That scares me more than anything else, more than any panic attack. I´m afraid that this will never change, I will never be happy or carefree again, afraid that I lose it... at work I´m only concentrated on functioning, but when I have spare time it´s like a black hole....

Will this pass when my situation changes for the better? can I just accept feeling so terrbile without losing my sanity? I mean, is it the right way to just face, accept and let pass the desperation or do I have to "fight"?

Any advice?

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 7:21 am
by Guest
I have also suffered for years with anxiety followed by bouts of depression. This site is very good to know you are not alone, I have felt all what you have described. I have recently started taking meds and have stopped using the program. It seems to be a viscious cycle, I start with anxiety, evolves into depression, I start the program work hard at it, start to take meds, feel a little better, stop the program, feel better for about two years, and start over again. I am really debating on getting a personal coach it may be exactly what I need. Good Luck everyone

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:16 am
by Guest
I was always extremely anxious even growing up and never considered myself depressed. But through this program I have now identified that I've probably always been depressed. It just as I've gotten older I guess that it "feels" like depression. When you don't know much of anything else its hard to identify it. Anybody relate to this?

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2008 9:48 am
by Guest
I was the same, Growing up I didn't know what was wrong with me but I knew something just wasn't 100%, as a kid I just ignored it, When I hit my late teens I started researching and finally found out it was anxiety I had, I can remember as a child of maybe 7-8 going over bridges and having silly thoughts like "What if I went and jumped of that" or in a crowd of people I would think "What if I stood up and started yelling and made a fool of myself" or even when out shopping with my parents I always wanted to stand outside the stores as crowds of people made me uncomfortable and this was at 7 or 8. When I hit mt teens maybe 13-14 I started having the funny heart beats, I was sent to every specialist in the area but no one knew what was wrong with me. But now I know at 28 its anxiety

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 12:22 pm
by Guest
Hi everyone,
Just to let you all know that I too have suffered with this "condition" for years -- starting when I was 13. (That was 30 years ago). My situation is a bit different than most of yours, because I started out with depression and severe fatigue, and the anxiety didn't come along until 8 years ago, when I had my first child.

I had a couple thoughts as I read through these posts. First, for drksyde -- I tried this program about 5 years ago and couldn't get past Lesson 5. I am now doing it again with a coach and it is the best thing I have ever done. It is well worth the investment. If I didn't have my coach, I would be missing so much. There are times on my homework assignments where I'll say something like "I don't have any thoughts before my anxiety attacks," and she helps me really think about it until I figure out the thought that triggered it. There are many things I would have completely missed if it weren't for my coach. She's also great when I have a million questions about things.

Another thought I wanted to share for those of you who say you are now feeling depression in addition to the anxiety. I see a psychiatrist, and I was telling him how I recently felt so tired and out of it that I felt like I was drugged. I could hardly grasp hold of what day it was -- I was in this fog that surpassed my "normal" fatigue and fog from depression. He thinks that those "drugged" feelings were actually my anxiety -- that I was so anxious and overwhelmed, my body and mind just kind of "shut down" to protect themselves. So, it felt like depression, but perhaps what you are experiencing is a shut down of some sort if the anxiety has become especially unmanageable? Just something to chew on!

Hang in there, and I hope to "see" more of you around on the site!
