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Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 11:56 am
by Pixie7
so i have finished session 4 and realized i needed to spend more time on session 3. Session 4 helped in the sense that I realize now that i have way too high expectations of myself. I used to work out everyday but my anxiety makes me feel a little dizzy and off balance and like im gunna faint so i am scared to work out...and today i figured i would just walk around the track so i wouldn't worry so much...but then i started to feel super dizzy and started to have a panic attack on the track! and lately i have been having the beginning feelings of the attacks and it is scaring me because i haven't had those feelings this often for about a year.

So thing is, i try to switch my thoughts to positive but it seems so hard for me becuase i know that i am trying to switch my mind so it is like another voice in my head tells me the negatives. It is like i have one voice saying "you are fine, its just anxiety ect" and then under that one my mind says "oh geeze, i can't even walk aroudn the track now?? how am i going to be a teacher, how am i going to...ect":

any thoughts on how i can focus on the positives and totally block out the negatives?! I am in my 4th year of college and am starting to do student teaching and stuff and it s hard for me to stay positive cuz i worry that i won't be able to teach while feeling dizzy and anxious all if i wanted to i could leave class...

I dunno i just feel myself falling back and having feelings I haven't felt for months and years and it is scarying me. and i know that if i am not scared of the attacks and anxiety then it won't affect me as much...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:52 pm
by Guest

This anxiety is probably coming from almost finishing college and worried about accomplishing your goals. Just try to relax and you will be fine.


Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:42 am
by Gman5256
Don't expect to block out all the negative thoughts right away, it takes practice. You have to keep working at it until you start retraining your mind. I am the same way, negative voice keeps wanting to control my thoughts but I am not catching it and turning the tables on it.
I know at first it seems hopeless but you have to just keep forgiving yourself and keep going back to working on changing your thoughts to positive. Don't worry about making mistakes with this process. Just let go.
When you catch yourself having a negative thought, stop right then and try to restate it in a more positive way.
Did you remember learning how to type (or something similar)? At first it seemed impossible but with a little persistence and practice, before long you are typing without thinking about it. It's the same way with negative thoughts vs positive thoughts.
Just keep after it, it will get better and better over time. You will get through this and go on to master your career goals as a teacher.
I have complete confidence in you!
Peace be with you.

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:45 am
by Guest
I am the same way, negative voice keeps wanting to control my thoughts but I am not catching it and turning the tables on it.
Opps I made a typo!
I meant that "I am [now] catching it and turning the tables on it."
Yes, that certainly does change the meaning of that sentence doesn't it? ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:16 am
by jillzmind
Thank you both for your posts!! I did a lot better today...I still had a lot of anxiety and dizzy moments but I did good with taking my breathes and changing my thoughts....practice practice practice i guess :)