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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:02 am
Although I didn't hear this addressed in Session III, I think what leads me into depression is a pattern of stewing/ruminating over perceived slights or misinterpreting or forecasting events. I find myself imagining scenarios that usually involved some sort of perceived slight and get me agitated, a kind of negative forecasting. Sometimes I replay events that were negative but with a slightly different outcome, usually incorporating a more assertive, but sometimes angry, role on my part. The end result is that I often get worked
up and anxious. Do any of you do this?

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:19 am
by Guest
I am very new at this, however I have had anxiety episodes and depression since my husband passed away almost3yrs ago. Trying this program is my last resort. although I was having trouble logging onI guess Im logged on now thogh notproperly as I was just informed I have to pay 4.95 per wk. for peer support group. .Im taking clonazapam for my anxiety and mirazapine to help me sleep.I sleep well, but wake up about 3am. Go to bed about 10pm.I know I will feel better when I get all squared away with porogram. God bless you all and with God's help we will make it, Erna

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 8:53 am
by Guest
I'm not sure what you call it but just before my breakdown I was a great one at replaying everything negitive event in my life over and over again. I would analyze every problem to death and keep trying to make it all right. This was especially true when I would awaken at night. Finally it was too much and my subconcience mind took over and anxiety ran rampent. I was in a constant state of fear and was shaking all over. Thought for sure I was dying!
Since then I am learning to "close the big steel door" on negitive thoughts and anything from my past that bothers me. What's done is done and worrying myself into a nervous breakdown is not going to change the past one bit.

Good for you posting you feelings here. Keep doing it. We are all here to support you. Try pressing the new topic button at the top of the page next time so your post will be up on the first page rather than as a reply. Hope this helps and God Bless you, you will get better!