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Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:07 pm
by jess3270
RN2010: I too, have this constant thought/worry that something is wrong with my heart. Im convinced that I have mitro valve prolapse, or an arythmia, or something worse. I constantly check my pulse as well. I also went out and bought a portable blood pressure monitor and check that often too. It is so scary/frustrating! I will be fine one minute and then i feel like my heart starts to race and I am so conscious of my heart beat i feel i can feel it constantly. I dont know what to do about this. I have not had a full work up by a cardiologist, but my GP did an EKG and said it was fine. (all though (look how i thinkl) i am scared that he didnt read it right and missed something or something) ah! do you, or anyone have any suddestions? I def need some advice!...I do know that checking my pulse and BP all the time def does not only feeds my fear. but I am scared and seriously think something is wrong with my heart....:-(

Thanks for anyone that can help!!!!

Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:58 pm
by KKross

Hypochondria and the way we torture ourselves is horrible.

When I hit my head I spoke to my doctor and he allayed my fears. When the hypochondria asserted itself, I replayed what the doctor told me and knew I would be okay.

I have also had concerns about my heart because I had chest pains. I went to the doctor and told him about it. He did an ekg and a blood test that also checked the heart and everything was fine. The chest pains turned out to be muscular. Did your primary dr. suggest you go to a cardiologist? Even if he did, that doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong. Your dr. could suggest this just as a precaution. Anyway, my suggestion is go to a cardiologist, tell him all your concerns and see what he or she says. I would also mention the anxiety. I know going to the doctor and taking tests is very nerve wracking, but you'll feel better once you have done it. Then you can fall back on the thought that you did everything you could and you're fine.

Good luck. I wish you the best. Remember what Lucinda says: what we worry about the most, very rarely happens. The anticipation is the worst part.

Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:23 pm
by westlynne56
I can tell you that what you focus becomes so. Because you're paying so much attention, you're feeling every little pulse. I did the same thing last year when I was having stomach problems; I fretted and fretted until I finally had an endoscopy and other than having a very inflamed esophagus, I was fine. Then guess what? The symptoms started going away.

I think you need to go back to week three's goals. Ask yourself what facts back up your fear. Your doctor has told you everything is fine so I would use his/her words as a replacement to your frightening thoughts.

You can do it, I know you can.

Let me know what you think.


Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by jess3270
Lynne- THANK YOU so much for your reply...that is certainly what I needed to hear. And thank you also Kris. It helps reading others thoughts and comments to our obsessions/fear/worry/etc. And that is truly what I am doing...obsessing. As im sure we all do, I obsess about some medical ailment and dwell on it until I go to some sort of specialist and have whatever it is I think I have wrong with me ruled out...I have spent so much money on doctors and needs to stop. My blood work ALWAYS comes back perfect and i just had a physical and my dr said I am in great the ekg he did (which he said was also fine) I'm doing great on my positive thinking and positive outlook on life, its just these certain little obsessive thoughts that I can't get rid of. I am going to try the next few days really putting up that stop sign and redirecting myself...I am also going to try to just float through my symptoms and not let them scare me and obsess over them. I hate these obsessive thoughts and would never wish them on anyone!

Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 7:53 pm
by jess3270
I meant kross, not kriss :-) ...thank you!

Re: Help! Hypochondria out of control!

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 12:48 pm
by nycgal84
Hey RN2010 - I am feeling the SAME way - I can barely go to the gym now because I am convinced that I will stop breathing. My mouth is so dry that I can't swallow and I feel like I can't get air in. Then I get worked up - feel like my throat is getting tight and I have to leave. Exercise has been such a HUGE part of my life, so I do NOT understand why this is now happening to me. I need to exercise to feel good, but now when I go to exercise I get worked up thinking I will stop breathing and die!