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The Back of the Class

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:58 am
by jmali695
I've always been one to sit back and let others do the talking. It's been difficult to put myself out there for fear of embarrassing myself or being criticized, even though I know deep down my opinion is valuable. Even writing this and letting other people see this side of me is anxiety producing, but I know it will help me overcome my fear and build my confidence. Session two is going great and I'm excited to continue, but I could use some help with the relaxation. Does anyone have any tips or alternatives to the breathing exercise in the relaxation tape? I've found it doesn't help take my mind off things and instead makes me start to feel anxious. I usually spend the relaxation time trying to keep myself from thinking about the future. I haven't been able to nail it down where I really feel relaxed at the end of the tape. Perhaps someone else has luck with meditation? Any input would be appreciated.


Re: The Back of the Class

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 6:15 pm
by randy c.
Joe, I know this is an old post but if you check back or anyone else who has this problem try simple exercises (sit ups, crunches,squats etc.) anything to burn up that nervous energy. ;)