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The Hulk

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 11:26 pm
by lorabaileyeku
I listened to Session 2 this evening, and thought I'd share my own experiences with panic attacks. I realized through the session that I do still have panic attacks, but thanks to a counselor I saw 2 years ago they are much less severe.

I related to one of the group members who experienced racing thoughts, but it seemed that most of the members experienced panic attacks that were still hurtful yet quiet compared to mine. Like people could see them and be near them in the moment and perceive that they are fine.

My panic attacks were much different. I experienced racing, fragmented thoughts, difficulty breathing, muscle tension to the point that I felt like I needed to hit things and had scary facial distortions which then escalated to uncontrollable (and LOUD) screaming. This continued usually for about 15-20 minutes until I was so exhausted and worn out. The only way I can compare it is to the Hulk. Has anyone else experienced this?

What helped me was an explanation from my counselor at the time who explained that the panic attack was my body's way of returning to a normal level. It made sense because prior to my attacks I was typically obsessing over many details of some task or item and would not accept other's ideas on how I should handle things or ask for help, but after the panic attack I was exhausted enough to accept those same ideas more rationally.

A lot of the counselor's suggestions were similar to the recommendations of this program, but thankfully they are more fully described here. I haven't experienced that magnitude of panic attacks in well over a year and a half, but the program helped me understand that panic attacks can have different severities for different people and probably even at different times.