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Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 6:55 am
by nursemom
I just started this program and I'm on session 2. I'm still finding it hard to get my self motivated to do it. But my main, absolute worst is the agoraphobia. I can't do anything or go anywhere. I just would love to find someone who suffers from this also to chat with on a regular basis. thanks

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:09 am
by EastcoastGirl
I do and I know there are others on here who have or still do as well. I sent you a PM.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:30 am
by little italy
I also struggle with this.

I have not left my house since june of last year.
After I finished session 2 (I've been working on session 3 now for two weeks) I was finally able to step foot outside my door. I'm still not able to go anywhere or drive yet, but at least I can go outside and sit in my yard.

I would also like to hear from other people who suffer like we do.

It always helps to know your not alone!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:38 am
by Deener
You guys are not alone. I suffered from severe agoraphobia for a year or more. I couldn't even get off the couch at times let alone step foot outside my door without panicing. But the good news for me was I found the program, did it whether I believed what it said, and now can leave my house. Yea me! I still have ify moments but do a much better job of comforting myself. I shop and actually try clothes on, I have gone to the Dr., I got my haircut. I still have a problem with driving and doing these things on my own, but it is so much more than I thought possible this time last year. I can also say that if I can do these things, then I will be able with practice and time to do all the other things I want to do. So keep hope, you can all beat agoraphobia with help from the program! Good luck to you all and remember you are not alone.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:03 pm
by little italy
Hi Deener!! :)

Thank you sooo much for your reply, it really gives me hope!!!!

And wanted to say YAAAAAA FOR YOU !!!!! :D

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:02 am
by EastcoastGirl
I agree thank you Deener that has really lifted my spirits today knowing that it's possible to overcome this.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:46 am
by yabanci9
Hi everyone,

yeah I have been suffering from agoraphobia too.... I can get out of my apartment, but when I am at work, or at the grocery store I get really anxious. It sucks because my friends and my girlfriend are always trying to get me to do stuff with them, but just thinking about leaving makes me have an anxiety attack....What are peoples reactions to session two so far? It made me feel really good the first time I heard it, but today I feel like I took a step backwards (I had a really bad attack at work today that lasted an hour)....

Thanks everyone

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:24 pm
by Corinna Lee
I can leave my house and stuff, but i can't go too far. most of the time i need a person with my cuz i get too anxious when i go alone. I think i'm improving tho. My ultimate goal is to take a vacation. Haven't been on a vacation in years! no planes though!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:42 pm
by Guest
To All,
I have posted this many times, but, I am not sure that you all have read the posting...So, here it goes...

I suffered from agoraphobic and lived in a panic attack for 21 years of my life, and I know how painful this condition can be...

When I first began having panic attacks, I had no idea what they even were. I had never heard of a panic attack in my life. Since, I had panic attacks everywhere I went, I became afraid to leave my home for the fear of having another one. I associated the places where I went with with the panic attacks. So, my world became smaller and smaller, and I felt so trapped living in my world of depression, fear and despair.

I never will forget the first time that I heard about a panic attack. I was 25 years old at the time, and was watching the Oprah Winfrey show. I saw people on there who suffered from agoraphobia and panic attacks. At least, then, I knew what was wrong with me...

The agoraphobia and panic attacks continued for another 15 years. I had ready every self-help book that I could come up with on this subject, to no avail...I felt so alone and different from everyone else...It was sooooo emotionally painful and exhausting!!!!!!

It was not until I found the for "Combatting Stress and Depression Program" that I began to find hope. I can still remember how excited I was the day the program arrived in the mail...What did I have to lose??? I felt like I had no life, and that I just existed....kinda robotic....That has been almost 6 years ago, now!!!!

I did the program...I gave it my all and all. I worked really hard to replace those negative thoughts with more positive realistic ones. I listened to the relaxation tape, and did the workbook. I journalized daily...I wrote myself compassionate love letters...I did a lot of extras, also....I ordered the extra CDs from the
"Less Stress Magazine" and I used headphones for everything I listened to...I bought myself a portable cassette tape player, and some blank cassette tapes, and I recorded my own voice, using every positive affirmation that I could come up with....I worked on the fears that were effecting me the most...I would use my vivid imagination to imagine myself being the way that I wanted to be...

After about a month or so into the program; I decided it was time to put my new skills into action.

I never will forget the first day that I ventured outside alone. It was a beautiful summer day, and my mother suggested spending the day outdoors....And that is exactly what I did...I was fed up...I had been doing the program, but had not taken any type of action because of my fears....

I remember going up to an old abandoned school bus up in the woods not far from our home...My hubby had fixed it up, as a place for us to just kinda hang out, relax, and have cook-outs, and that type of thing....

I remember thinking all those negative, scary thoughts. Thoughts like..."What if I faint or die up here, and no-one will find me?"
I, also, began to replace these irrational negative thoughts with ones that made me feel more warm soothed and comforted. I had taken my journal with me, and I journalized my thoughts and all the beauty of my surroundings...I replaced the "what if" thinking with "so what if"....

I do have to admit that I did have a panic attack that day, but, I had already made up my mind to ride it, for the first time in years, I did not run...I rode out that panic attack by using the deep-breathing techniques, and the positive affirmations...I did it...I did it...I did it...And, I did not die...I did not faint...And...I was soooo proud of myself...
I couldn't have been prouder, if I had climbed Mt. Everest....

I would say that was the day that I was well on my road to recovery... I no longer feared the panic attacks...They no longer controlled me; instead I controlled them...What a revelation!!!

After that day, life took on a whole new meaning for me...I finally felt alive...I knew that I was going to be okay...

So, I decided to live my life to the fullest...I would just drive, drive and drive...I became so spontaneous...I just couldn't get enough of this new-found freedom...and, I still can't....I love going for joy rides...I love exploring nature...I love sitting beside a creek-bank or a waterfalls. I love watching a little bird as it spreads its wings in flight. I love watching the squirrels scrambling up the trees...I love watching my birds eating from the outdoor feeder...I just love living..

Thanks to God and the "Stress Center"...I no longer just exist...I truly live my life to its fullest...

I pray that this helps all of you struggling with agoraphobia, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks...God Bless You ALL!!!!

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 3:44 pm
by Guest
Sorry about the errors in typing...