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Young writer w/ the whole anxiety package

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 12:45 am
by Megan_Rae
I am 20 and have been experiencing severe anxiety since I was in middle school. I first started seeking help through this program roughly 3 years ago. I have made it up to session 3 in the past, but my procrastination always gets the better of me. I am determined to not let that happen this time.

I suffer from general anxiety and severe panic attacks, accompanied by depression. I am one of the unlucky souls that experiences it all: nausea (especially), sweaty palms, temperature fluctuations, racing heart, racing mind, agoraphobia, IBS (plus I'm lactose-intolerant), severe anxiety and panic attacks, and depression. I do find that my depression is fed by my anxiety.

I have been writing novels for about ten years now and I have dreams to become a successful novelist. My anxiety is holding me back and blocking those dreams from coming true. Thus I have decided this will be my final and prevailing attempt at over-coming my anxiety with this program. I have all the faith in this program and know that it will work. I just have to simultaneously reverse my procrastination and fear of success (and failure), which hinders me in life as well as my writing life.

I am definitely looking for support from others especially other young-ens like me who suffer, probably in silence, with anxiety and depression. I want my life back, particularly my writing life, as well as my social life. I have a lot of passion and emotion for this world and I'm tired of it being cloaked by this monster called ANXIETY!

Re: Young writer w/ the whole anxiety package

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 11:02 pm
by soulartista
You can do it. I used to have ibs and acid reflux and constant butterflies and all sorts of symptoms that have pretty much gone away. you can do it!

Re: Young writer w/ the whole anxiety package

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:21 pm
by Darkmanx
I'm going threw the same exact things you are Im always procrastinating and I'm also feeling like things gotta be perfect when I do them, to the point I won't do them if there not. I been avoiding session 2 for like a year now I can't seem to face the task and I'm confused . But here a little quote i learned you'll never succeed if you're too afraid to fail . If you need a buddy don't be afraid to ask . :geek: