GRRRRRR ...second guessing :(

These 6 simple steps are designed to dramatically change the life of anyone who suffers from the debilitating effects of anxiety and panic attacks.
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GRRRRRR ...second guessing :(

Post by HeathAnn » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:30 pm

So, I just listened to Session 2 today and there were so many things I could relate to. And yet, so many things I was like "what?? that doesn't happen to me!" I'm one of the people that claims I don't get panic attacks -- I prefer to call mine 'anxious episodes' because I never really feel completely out of control. I never feel like I'm going to jump off a balcony or hurt someone else... my problem is obsessive what-if thinking/catastrophizing about that which causes me the anxiety in the first place. For instance, if my boyfriend and I have an argument and I don't hear from him for a few hours, I get completely worked up and completely convince myself he's going to break up with me. Then of course I frantically text and call him, only upsetting him further with my "craziness." I literally get sick to my stomach and throw up, and I can't focus on anything else -- and this isn't just like 15 min. This is usually until I feel that the situation causing me anxiety has been at least somewhat resolved.

So....yeah. In some ways I feel like I'm different from the people on the tapes, even though I know most people probably feel that way to some extent. I also don't really have "limitations." I don't avoid driving, flying, going out in public...I mean I'm an impatient driver and I get a little anxious in crowded places but I wouldn't say I have thoughts like "oh my gosh I'm going to freak out and embarrass myself." I'm more likely to have thoughts like "ugh why does EVERYBODY on the PLANET have to be here today????" More like frustrated, angry thoughts... *sigh*

Really. Is this program for me??? I hate second guessing :(

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Re: GRRRRRR ...second guessing :(

Post by Larardo » Mon Aug 22, 2011 2:43 am

Call them "anxious episodes" if it makes you feel good. I never bolted out of a room (although I wanted to), so I never called them "panic attacks" either, but they were.

Your post itself shows anxiety-thinking, for lack of a better term. Stick with the program and reread that post 6 - 8 weeks from now.

Stay with the program and it will either address your needs or it won't.......where's the risk?

That may have come out sounding overly harsh, but getting rid of angry thoughts will start in step three, so hang in there.

Best of Luck,


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Re: GRRRRRR ...second guessing :(

Post by tawascove » Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:09 am

When I was younger around 19-20 is when I felt like this>>not totally engulfed by anxiety,but teetering towards what eventually happened. You do NOT want to go down this route--you need to nip it in the bud! I only WISH, even though we shouldn't do that--that this program was openly known about at that time. I could have had a chance then. :roll:

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